Aliqauntum Salio

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Title: Aliquantum Salio
Author(s): Heather Markham
Date(s): 02-Jan-1998
Genre: gen
Fandom: Quantum Leap/X-Files
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Aliquantum Salio is a gen Quantum Leap/X-Files story by Heather Markham.

It is linked here in 11 parts at ql-archive: Aliqauntum Salio.


SYNOPSIS: This is a Sam oriented action romance story. Sam leaps into an X-Files situation in 1997 in the persona of Fox Mulder where he must investigate strange events out at Stallions Gate... NOTES: This takes place within the X-Files universe after Scully had been diagnosed as having cancer.

Also in this time line Sam is not married to Donna.