Aphrodite's Garden

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Jim/Blair Fanfiction
Title: Aphrodite's Garden
Author(s): Emily Brunson
Date(s): 2001
Length: ~45k words
Genre: Slash, Alternate Universe
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Aphrodite's Garden, part 1

Aphrodite's Garden, part 2

Aphrodite's Garden, part 3

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Aphrodite's Garden is a Jim/Blair story by Emily Brunson.

Reactions and Reviews

Speaking of cruel authors...

Why you should read this: No one does Jim angst like Emily Brunson. To read Jim's pain is to feel it, a sensation not unlike finding yourself cranked slowly through a meat grinder. But in a good way.

What might throw you off stride: It's unfinished, damn her eyes.[1]

If I just tell you the premise "Jim as a hooker", it wouldn't do this story justice, because it's not a kink story that bends the characters into an unlikely situation, but Em makes you believe their lives could have happened that way, even if hooker stories usually don't do much for you.[2]

Jim is the man of the evening and Blair the wealthy love interest. It's beautifully written and emotionally compelling, as all Emily's stories are. She brings authenticity to the notion of Jim as prostitute and cleverly interweaves the Sentinel experience into the AU plot. After reading her story (still a work in progress), you can see how differently Jim's life (or anyone's, for that matter) might have turned out with only a few minor changes.[3]


  1. ^ eliade. "sentinel recs 2000". Archived from the original on 2004-07-02.
  2. ^ "Rat Creature's Alternate Universe Recs for The Sentinel". Archived from the original on 2021-05-18.
  3. ^ the Sea Recommendations. "Fiction". Archived from the original on 2021-05-15.