Archaeology of Tomb Raider: In the Spotlight: CVW

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Archaeology of Tomb Raider: In the Spotlight: CVW
Interviewer: Kelly M
Interviewee: CVW
Date(s): March 27, 2014
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Tomb Raider
External Links: In the Spotlight: CVW – The Archaeology of Tomb Raider, Archived version
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Archaeology of Tomb Raider: In the Spotlight: CVW was conducted in 2014.

Some Excerpts

When and how did you learn about the Tomb Raider series?

I was a kid in the late ‘90s. My older sister convinced my twin sister and me to ask our parents for a PlayStation for our birthday. “It’s 3D! It’s like you’re in the game!”, she said. I was convinced, and for our birthday we received a PlayStation and a couple games — including the first Tomb Raider. It was then a fan was born.

How has Tomb Raider changed your life?

Although Lara is a fictional character, the dreams she inspired are very real. When I was a kid, I thought about what I wanted to be when I grow up. I got the idea to be an archaeologist after reading Lara’s biography in a game’s strategy guide and today I am pursuing a career in archaeology. Lara is beautiful, fit, strong, smart, talented, and confident. She was the perfect role model for me growing up. I don’t think I would be as involved in video games or comic books if it were not for Lara.

What are your thoughts on Lara’s image? Is she simply the product of a sexist gaming industry or can she be seen as a positive role model?

Lara is definitely the most iconic female character in video game history. I see her moving away from just being recognized as a sex symbol to more of a positive role model. In the earlier games, Lara is more like a super heroine. In the reboot, she is like everyone else — human. She is capable of getting hurt and possesses weaknesses. Through the hardships she encounters, she proves there is a survivor in all of us.