Bagenders (Lord of the Rings series)

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Title: Bagenders
Author(s): Lady Alyssa
Date(s): 05 January 2002 - 31 May 2004
Genre: humor / parody / slash fanfiction
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
External Links: Bagenders (
Bagenders (Bagenders website)

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Bagenders is a Lord of the Rings fanfiction series by Lady Alyssa. The series started out on and then moved to its own website.

Summary: "And it came to pass that the fellowship were granted immortality for they had saved middle earth; and so they went their separate ways... But some fellowships were not meant to be broken... History has become legend; legend has become myth and myth has become merchandising: A three-bedroom semi in a town in the north of England, 2001."

"Threats and Disclaimers"

Threats and Disclaimers:

All the characters from Middle Earth belong to the genius who was JJR Tolkien, or whoever inherited his estate and other characters, things or ideas borrowed from other sources belong to whoever we have credited them to in the disclaimers for each of the stories. However, the stories on this page and all the original characters belong to us (Lady Alyssa and Random Flatmate) or whoever has been credited with writing them and should not be used without permission. The graphic on the opening page was drawn for us by Dark Ravenette and therefore belongs to her. The banners belong to Essy, to whom we are eternally grateful. All photographs belong to New Line Cinema, but the snide, nasty captions belong to us.

We do not and never intend to make any money out of this and it isn't going to be worth your while suing us because we haven't got that much anyway.

Everything on these pages has been created for fun out of the strange worlds that seem to only exist inside our heads, we just wanted to share it with other people. If it isn't your thing, fine; we aren't forcing you to like it and there's an almost infinite amount of other stuff on the internet which you could be looking at instead. If you decide to waste time in flaming us it will only give Lady Alyssa the encouragement she needs to set up a section of the site to post it in so that other people can point and laugh, but constructive feedback is always welcome. [1]

"The End"

The end. 31st May 2004 This is it. The end. No more Bagenders. We had intended for there to be a nice finishing episode, with ends all tied up and so on, but we both had our Finals, and suddenly we got to the point where we are now - as I write this Lady Alyssa is at the opposite end of the country to me. So I'm afraid I have to leave you with a rather mediocre Pointless Historical Episode as an ending. This site will no longer be updated, though if either Lady Alyssa or myself starts up our own fic sites we'll probably bung a link on here.

I've enjoyed writing this. I hope you've enjoyed reading it. Thank you to everyone who's every sent us a nice e-mail, left a lovely message in the Guestbook, or drawn us a picture - all those have made me smile, and sorry to everyone who never got a reply. If you want to continue and write your own adventures for the Bagenders crew, then go ahead and do it, with our blessing ( as long as you don't pretend to be us. That would be weird and creepy). [2]

Fan Art

Recs and Reviews


Hunting through for LOTR fiction is almost never a good idea, for reasons I'm sure I don't have to spell out. However, occasionally there's a gem waiting to be found underneath all the garbage. Such is Bagenders, a humor piece that works just from sheer brazenness. What if the Fellowship, as a "reward" for their service, were all granted immortality and ended up living together in a three-bedroom house in northern England, coping with 6,000 years of neuroses, psychosis and dysfunctional relationships? Few stories have ever actually made me hurt from laughing.[3]


I luv it! Its such a good fanfiction peole could start making fanfictions about this fanfictions.[4]

why did u stop writing. i started reading the episodes a few months ago and have never laughed so much. i cant believe u stopped writing them. it's the only thing that can help me survive being 13 at an all girls secondry skool..... [5]

Thanks for everything, especially bringing back Boromir for us whiny hairy-unwashed-dead-guys- lovin' types. Good luck in your future careers. Cheers, Sandy

P.S. The "pants" game has changed my life. [6]
