Beyond Dreams Press: K/S Zine Database

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Title: Beyond Dreams Press: K/S Zine Database
Creator: Jenna Sinclair
Date(s): 2002
Medium: online database
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS, Kirk/Spock
External Links:
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First distributed to subscribers of The K/S Press in 1998, this K/S zine database was posted to the Beyond Dreams Press website in 2002 by Jenna Sinclair. It was last updated in March 2009.

For a related article, see A Short History of Early K/S or How the First Slash Fandom Came to Be.

The Database

wayback link; another archived link; another link

The Project's Introduction

Welcome to the K/S Zine database. I've attempted to incorporate every K/S zine that's ever been printed in this collection of data, starting with the first stand-alone K/S zine printed in 1976 and going up to the present….

There are some questions about which zines should be included. For example, is the novel Captives really K/S? It's strongly pre-K/S, true, but there's only the intimation at the end that in the next scene something might happen! Likewise, I wondered whether the short zine House of Flame should be included, since its intimation of K/S is even less than in Captives. Please feel free to argue with me about zines that are included or not included in this database!

You'll notice that many names of individuals have been omitted or shortened to initials only. I haven't been able to track down many of the editors and/or authors of early K/S zines to gain their permission to put their names on a website. If you see your work or initials here, please write to me and tell me if I can give you full credit, richly deserved.

Many thanks to the German fan who helped update my information on the German K/S fanzines. Does anyone know if there are other zines printed in other languages? Long ago I heard of one printed in French, but I've never been able to track it down.

This database was originally distributed to the subscribers to The K/S Press five years ago.

More than five hundred K/S zines in twenty-six years. Not bad! D'Anne and I are dedicated to adding to that total. Want to help? We always welcome contributions for our zines. We'd love to hear from you.

K/S has a long and excellent history. We're the first slash fandom, and we grew from what many people saw on the screen: the unusual devotion between James Kirk and Spock. Some fans interpreted it in a certain way and…. K/S was born. Here's its history.