Brothers in Arms (X-Files series)

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Title: Brother in Arms
Author(s): Demi X
Date(s): August 1999 - ?
Genre: M/K slash fanfiction, Post-Colonization, NC-17
Fandom: The X-Files
External Links: Brothers in Arms (Demi's Word)

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Brother in Arms is a Mulder/Krycek story by Demi X.

Summary: After an alien invasion kills most of the inhabitants of the planet earth, it is up to the survivors to save the human race from extinction. This is an A.U. story featuring Fox Mulder and Alex Krycek. It contains spoilers from seasons one to six and includes tidbits from the movie....


Brothers in Arms: I : On the eve of a new era, Fox Mulder and Alex Krycek meet by chance. RATED R.
Brothers in Arms: II : Mulder and Krycek try to cope when they find out about a new 'kink' in their relationship. RATED NC -17..Contains material that may be disturbing.
Brothers in Arms: III : After Mulder suffers from a personal tragedy, Alex packs his bags and tries to leave the bunker, and this time, Mulder may just let him go. RATED NC -17...Contains material that may be disturbing.
Brothers in Arms: IV: Alex embarks on a dangerous mission, and Mulder seeks a way back to his sister. RATED R .
Brothers in Arms: V: Mulder and his rival Josh become an allied team and search for Alex. RATED NC-17. Contains material that may be disturbing.

Recs and Reviews

First off, I'm going to give you a warning that will spoil events that are discovered in the second part of the story. I don't want anyone to come looking for my head, so I'll give it to you. Incest, yes it's M/K slash. Figure it out, I know you can do it, catch a clue. Also, I should probably give you a warning for violence and raLink titlepe. The rape involves one of the boys and OMC's. It is also an AU. This isn't exactly a light and fluffy fic. I know I've been rec'ing alot of happier ones lately. I needed happy, but I'm an angst slut. You just knew there would have to be one with a harsher tone to it in here somewhere. The M/K relationship just calls for it sometimes. Like I mentioned it's an AU, a post-colonization, trying to pick up the pieces and win the war fic. I don't even want anyone bringing up to me the incest thing above. You want to know how it's pulled off convincingly enough to suit even me, who's pretty damn picky about fics, you'll have to go read it. I've given you all the warnings I'm gonna. Demi usually writes pretty dark stuff, tortures the boys a good bit. If you've read her stuff, well you know there is going to be a rape in there somewhere. Can't seem to avoid it. I've always liked this one, even for it's hard subject matter. Oh, Demi allowed Mulder to keep that little psychic ability he developed in the 6th season finale. Had him develop it and learn how to use it. It comes in handy in the story. Just thought I'd give you a head's up on that. Not really a spoiler she let's us know he has it early on. Thought it might help you get a handle on it if you knew.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)