By the River

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Title: By the River
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 18 July 2010
Length: 1250 words
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: "By the River"

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"By the River"[1] is a short story written by fawatson based on Mary Renault's 1944 novel, The Friendly Young Ladies. An earlier version of the story was written for the Brigit’s Flame April 2010 Challenge (week two), and was revised following editing suggestions from that LiveJournal community.

The story features Leo Lane and Helen Vaughn enjoying an afternoon together pre-book and references a drawing done by Helen mentioned in the book. The storyline provides insights into Leo’s relationships with family and friends.

One comment received on the story:

  • I think this *should* be the start to the novel.” [2]—my_cnnr


  1. ^] "By the River " by fawatson at maryrenaultfics.] Accessed 07 January 2012.
  2. ^ Comment by my_cnnr, 18 July 2010. Accessed 07 January 2012.