Cascade Library Interview with Delilah

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Cascade Library Interview with Delilah
Interviewer: Cascade Library
Interviewee: Delilah
Date(s): November 17, 2002
Medium: online
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
External Links: interview is here, Archived version
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In 2002, Delilah was interviewed for Cascade Library.

Some Excerpts

Robert Vaughn [is what made me a Sentinel fan]. It was a major Man from UNCLE phase. I was watching anything with RV or DM and happened to catch The Real Deal. That led to looking for TS/MUNCLE crossovers and it wasn't long 'til I figured out TS fanfic had some of the best writers and the finest archives out there. Of course by then the show was only on Sci-Fi and there's still eps I haven't seen.... While out trolling for H/C, I discovered Dawn's Sentinel Angst list. If I wanted to read (and boy, did I) then I had to write.

[The inspiration for "How Come My Dog Don't Bark When You Come Around?"] I distinctly lack the requisite plot-bunny-generator gene. So when SA dues time rolls around I'm usually panicked for an idea. I just got lucky that Dr. John's 'Back to New Orleans' CD happened to be on at the time. The narrator in 'How Come My Dog Don't Bark (when you come around)' just seemed so much like Jim-in-protective-overdrive I couldn't resist.

[The first piece piece of fan fiction I read] would have had to have been something out of Star Trek Lives which introduced me to the actual concept of fan fiction as a kid. I'd claim the first full piece of fan fiction I read was actually a Star Trek pro-novel The Price of the Phoenix. I still keep wishing somebody would do a study of how many fanfic writers in their 30s and 40s got their first taste of fanfic emotive style from the Phoenix novels.

[The first fan fic I ever wrote] would be, as best I remember, a fortunately-forever-lost Mary Sue about a beautiful ensign who had Captain Kirk enthralled but was, so sadly, terminally ill. I was, maybe, twelve.