Category talk:The Avengers Vids

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Thank you for tackling the Avengers pages. For the sake of consistency with other vid cats, though, this category should be named Category:The Avengers Vids. Disambiguation for cats with subcats can be tricky. Disambiguation is only necessary if there is something to disambiguate, also if there *is* something to disambiguate, the disambiguation should be at the end, not the middle. As the other Avengers cat doesn't have subcats, I don't think category disambiguation on that level is necessary. If someone doesn't get to it first, I will move later. (However, the main cat of the other Avengers fandom needs disambiguation, will get to it later.) --Doro (talk) 08:20, 15 July 2013 (UTC)

Your welcome! Since I don't have the power to rename stuff, should I just have this category be redirected to Category:The Avengers Vids? --Harpie (talk) 04:06, 17 July 2013 (UTC)