Caught In the Sun

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Title: Caught In the Sun
Author(s): Rebekah
Date(s): 2012
Length: 20 chapters
Genre(s): slash/incest angst
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Caught In the Sun

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Caught In the Sun is a Hanson fanfic written by Rebekah.

The story centers around Isaac and Taylor reconnecting years after being torn apart—but maybe not for the obvious reasons. When he shows up in Isaac's life again, Isaac and his boyfriend Daniel have to figure out how or if he fits into their life.

Reactions and Reviews

The great thing about Rebekah’s stories is the worlds she creates. Within the first chapter, she doesn’t reveal a lot, but I can already tell that this is definitely not the world as we know it. Details begin to spill out a little at a time, revealing that Isaac and Taylor have been apart for a long time, and evidently had a less than brotherly relationship in the past. While I wait for more of their past to be revealed, I am absolutely reveling in Rebekah’s beautiful writing. Even the more lust-filled moments in the story are described with such detail and care that I’m left hanging on every word.[1]


Caught In the Sun won awards in the Blank Page Awards. It is featured in the hall of fame.
