Chronicle X Interview with Te

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Chronicle X Interview with Te
Interviewer: uncredited
Interviewee: Te
Date(s): March 1999
Medium: online
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: online here; copy
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Chronicle X Interview with Te was conducted by the Chronicle X archive.

The archive described Te as "a fairly new author who's gaining readers all the time."

Some Excerpts

Um... OK... I know: Despite appearances, I'm actually a great, big romantic sap. I hate writing dark, angsty stories because they always hit me (at least) as hard as they hit the audience. So I wind up snapping at people who say things like, 'oh, but Te! Why can't you let them be *happy*????'

I've been writing fiction since I was very, very young... I've always been more enamored of my imagination than of the real world. (Monica wha?) But the first real *story* I wrote was based on watching Blake's 7 reruns with my Dad when I was about 10 or so... just several people in space, angsting at each other between adventures...

Well, I really wasn't a fan of the show until I'd read a *lot* of the fanfic. Specifically slash from the likes of torch, Anna, and Jane Mortimer. (I'd stumbled on a slash archive in a random websearch last January) The first episode I really sat down and watched with an eye to fanfic/subtext was the Red and the Black.

I was doomed. <g>

Picture me sitting on the couch with my friends, nearly *sobbing* with joyous disbelief, screaming 'it's true, oh my God it's all true!!!!'

After that, I signed on to AOL and tried to find other slashers. I stumbled across the wondrous Alicia, we became fast friends, I helped beta her first slash, and within two weeks I had collaborated on and posted my first XF story.

You know, nearly all of my friends in the slash community have been flamed for 'perversion.' I've only *just* gotten my first flame, despite having been posting to ATXC for nearly a year. You know what it was for?

"Unfinished." My gen, innocuous Scully POV. I've been told to keep my 'dirty hands' away from Scully. <g>

I've never had any real problems with slash on the macro scale. Being on the XAPen list has meant that I've always had a wide range of intelligent readers, and I've avoided most of the warnings/labels flamewars. My problems have been the same as any other writer's I think --

"My characters run away with the story."

"Where's my *feedback*?!"

"*Are* there any decent synonyms for 'nipple?'"

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind a few less people in the world automatically classifying slash as porn... *sigh*

On the third hand, I kinda like porn...

I think it's time to move on. <g>

The only thing I say on my website outside of the stories is 'love me, dammit.' I used to (and probably will again in the future) throw fits about the feedback issue all the time. As a reader, I don't allow myself to read *anything* unless I'm reasonably certain I have time to tell the writer at least a *little* something...

... because I know it *hurts* to put your heart and soul into something and get nothing back. I remember CiCi told me how shocked she is if she gets more than 5 or 6 letters on a non-mainstream piece, and I remember not believing her... Time passes, and people start to 'know' you, and assume *everyone* is loving all over you.

They're not. They're *so* not.

But I'm happy to say I'm not nearly as bitter about this as I used to be. <g> I have lots of wonderful friends/betas/comforters, some of whom will even let me talk about my own work for *hours* at a time... <snicker> Me, me, me!!!

Three days after I got a website of my own (all hail the blessed Imajiru), my older, conservative, distinctly heterosexual brother called up to tell me he'd found my site. EEEEEEK!

I had a harrying few moments, but everyone has been basically supportive. They all want me to devote more time to my original work, though.

"The porn is *fine* with us, but why aren't you trying to *publish*?"

My sis-in-law likes the porn, I think.