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See also: YouTube, BookTube
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CosTube is the community of historical costumers and sewists on YouTube. The term is a portmanteau that combines costume and YouTube.

CosTube encompasses a wide variety of creators - some are dress historians or have otherwise worked with historical dress professionally, while others are sewists that enjoy creating historical or historically inspired garments.


CosTube videos can be largely separated into two genres: sewing vlogs, and video essays. Common topics for video essays are discussion of historical fashion practices, and historical accuracy of pop media, though other topics are also explored.

Popular Creators

Although CosTube encompasses a wide number of people, some popular channels include:

CosTube Symposium

In 2021, CosTube began the CosTube Symposium, a virtual conference featuring videos and livestreams from a wide variety of creators.


Costube as Fandom

Many of the videos creates by CosTubers can be considered fanworks. Many videos feature cosplays or clothing inspired by specific media, such as Rachel Maksy's I Dressed Like Jane Austen Characters For A Week, or I Edited Myself Into Pride and Prejudice. Other videos, such as Designing “Historically Accurate” Costumes for Fantasy: Game of Thrones Case Study analyze the historical accuracy of media, which can be considered a form of meta.


Diversity & Race Issues

CosTube, like BookTube, has been criticized for the popularity of its white creators over its creators of color. This can also be seen in the focus on historical European styles of dress, with much less focus on Asian, African, or African American historical fashions.

In addition, the majority of CosTubers are women, and it is often difficult to find content about men's fashion.