Dark of the Moon (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Star Trek TOS Fanfiction
Title: Dark of the Moon
Author(s): Joe Martin with Mary Louise Dodge
Date(s): 1977
Genre: het
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Dark of the Moon is a Star Trek: TOS Kirk/Uhura story by John Martin with Mary Louise Dodge.

It was published in Delta Triad #4.

"Fourth story in our K/U Series, and the 'bridge' story "between "Bell" and "Silence". Kirk and Uhura face adjustments to their relationship; and the ENTERPRISE is endangered by an unknown alien force."

Reactions and Reviews

Against the background of an unconsummated but increasingly desperate attraction between Kirk and Uhura, the Enterprise rescues a large fellow who has been exiled from his own culture because of a hereditary condition which turns him into a mindless killer at the full moon. The alien nearly kills M'Benga (whom McCoy has been trying to pair up with Uhura) adding to the Kirk/Uhura complications. A pretty entertaining story despite the trite werewolf stuff. [1]

'Dark of the Moon' is a flawed but readable psychological horror story. [2]

"Dark of the Moon" by Joe Martin and Mary Lou Dodge deals with the efforts of the Enterprise to help a marooned giant alien they take aboard, in spit of his maniac attempts on the crew. One of his victims is M'Benga, who McCoy has innocently chose to matchmake with Uhura, and some of the best writing has to do with Kirk's uncertainties and jealousies which never leave the back of his mind all the time he and his officers work to solve the alien's problem. [3]


  1. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  2. ^ by Paula Smith from Scuttlebutt #5
  3. ^ Dixie Owen in WXYZine #1 (1978)