Denny's Cycle

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Title: Denny's Cycle
Author(s): Ethan Nelson
Date(s): 1996
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: online here

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Denny's Cycle is a Mulder/Skinner story Ethan Nelson.

Comments by the Author

I wrote my first slash story (Denny's Cycle I) sometime in 1996. Some people think I wrote it because I wanted to fill a niche that being M/Sk that was intentionally funny, of which there was a dearth at the time but really, I wrote it because I was pissed off and freaking out.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

[The first slash I ever read] was either the "Chances" series or "Denny's Cycle" by Ethan Nelson. I accidentally stumbled upon them and was hooked on M/Sk for life. Sigh. I *really* miss new M/Sk by Ethan.... <g> [2]
