Divergence (Smallville story)

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Title: Divergence
Author(s): Lanning Cook
Date(s): 01 January 2002
Length: 132 K, 23094 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Smallville
External Links: Divergence (Smallville Slash Archive)
Divergence (AO3)
Divergence (Cook's Kitchen)

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Divergence is a Clark/Lex story by Lanning Cook.

Summary: A prequel to Identical. First part of the Identical Series. Lex loses everything, and finds something better.

Recs and Reviews

Divergence by Lanning Cook - This wonderful story is the prequel of sorts to Identical, rec'd below. Here we have plot, and it's an eyebrow-raiser, too. There are also lots of lovely family dynamics to play with. I think Lanning has Martha and Jonathan down pat, just the way they are presented to us in the show. Others may quibble, but that's my take and I'm sticking to it.[1]
