Family Secrets (Hawaii Five-0 story)

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Title: Family Secrets
Author(s): whogeek
Date(s): 26 March 2011
Length: 7,124 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Family Secrets (LJ)

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Family Secrets is a Steve/Danny story by whogeek.

Summary: Prompt 5 from the After Holidays Prompt Fest at stevedannoslash: Paranormal - Steve really is a seal. A selkie to be exact. Danny is uncomfortable in water because there are stories about his great grandmother being a selkie - childhood fears about being taken away maybe? Perhaps Danny is part selkie.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: This was an extremely fun story to read. It’s mostly a story about Danny coming to terms with who he is, but it is also about coming to terms with who Steve is and what they mean to each other. Don't let the cracky premise scare you off. It's a well written tale and well worth your time.[1]
