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Title: Fighter
Author(s): PlaneJane
Date(s): 01 June 2011 - 14 July 2011
Length: 65,293 words
Genre(s): slash AU
Fandom(s): The Eagle
External Links: Fighter (AO3)
Fighter (LiveJournal)
Fighter (Dreamwidth)

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Fighter is a Marcus/Esca AU by PlaneJane. It was originally written for the_eagle_kink and posted anonymously to the meme.[1] The author later reposted a betaed version of the story to LiveJournal and the AO3.[2]

Summary: "Marcus Aquila is an undercover Metropolitan police officer. His assignment is to infiltrate a slave-trafficking organisation which trades in men, bought and sold to fight in cages, sometimes to the death. When he makes the impulsive decision to intervene during a 'kill fight' involving a fierce young fighter called Esca, Marcus inadvertently finds himself the owner of his very own slave. Now Marcus has to find a way to complete his assignment, as well as gaining Esca's trust, without blowing his cover. The question is, can he do it before the secrets and lies catch up with him, and Marcus loses everything?"

ladytiferet made a title graphic for the story.

Recs and Reviews

  • "Modern Gladiator!AU, Marcus is an undercover cop; Esca's being held prisoner and forced to fight. I'm pretty sure that cops wouldn't operate this way but I found it a terrifically fun read, and I'm not really even into the fandom. I'm pretty sure you don't even have to have seen the movie to enjoy."[3]


  1. ^ Anonymous. Fill: Fighter - Prologue, 01 June 2011 - 14 July 2011. (Accessed 03 September 2011)
  2. ^ planejane. Fic: Fighter - Master Post, 09 August 2011. (Accessed 03 September 2011)
  3. ^ giandujakiss. My not-XMFC Rec of the Day, 30 August 2011. (Accessed 03 September 2011)