Future Perfect

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Title: Future Perfect
Author(s): Tony Perrault
Date(s): 9 Jun 93
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
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Future Perfect is a gen Quantum Leap story written by Tony Perrault.

It was posted to alt.tv.quantum-leap.creative in 1993.


Sam leaps to Scotland in 1023 AD.

Author's Notes

Perhaps the best advice that any new author can use, besides the one of "write, write, and write some more" is "write what you know about" -- and so I did. I have visited Iona, and Perth (though I missed Scone to go to Comrie), along with many other Scottish places on a whirlwind vacation about two years ago. Scottish (and Irish) history and customs are one of my favorite reading topics, along with Irish mythology and the new wave of fantasy novels based on Irish tales. Now, a little history.


Thanks go out to the several people who wrote me, expressing enjoyment in reading Future Perfect. This is the reason why I write, to spin a tale that others will enjoy. I guess that every writer has an inspirational author that they try to emulate, and mine is H. Beam Piper. His science is simplistic, but he could tell a story. If you've never read anything by him, pick up "Little Fuzzy". If I can tell a tale half as good as Piper, then I will consider myself an author (now, in my next QL story, I'm going to be closer in spirit to H. P. Lovecraft than to H. Beam Piper (I hope) ). I want to express thanks to Cheryl Bellucci, who informed me that the Foriegn Technology Division at Wright-Pat is no longer called the Foriegn [sic] Technology Division, but something else.

I also want to thank Roberta Chi-Woon Kwong for her discussion on Starfleet, and her comments about the set up of Future Perfect.

And last, but by no means least, a big thank you to Terri Librande, who said that I should write this in the first place. Now I know the meaning of "the woman behind the man"! :) [1]


Reactions and Reviews

Sam's persona is flooded mid-leap by tachyons and neutrinos and he gets thrown way back into the past....Scotland 1023 A.D. to be exact, on the island of Iona. Of course there are temporal problems with this, which is why two members of the future Paratemp Corp from the Trek universe are sent back to help. Ummmm. Tony has obviously done extensive research on the period and he's been to Iona. The story is well written and both Sam and Al come across pretty well, as does Thom (from the future). It was nice to find out that there is a statue of Sam, set up in his memory, in the future. It's certainly not classic QL, but taken on it's own merits it works very well. But I can hear people quibbling about it in my mind.

Could someone else read this one? I'm torn between giving it a hit and a miss.[2]


  1. ^ from ql-archive
  2. ^ by Philippa Chapman at Fanfic reviews? (August 19, 1998)