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Pairing: Genji Shimada/Tekhartha Zenyatta
Alternative name(s): Genyatta
Gender category: slash, m/m
Fandom: Overwatch
Canonical?: non canon
Prevalence: common
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Genji/Zenyatta, also known as Genyatta, is a popular slash pairing in the Overwatch fandom. It centres around Genji Shimada and Tekhartha Zenyatta, more commonly known as simply 'Zenyatta'. It has a relatively large following.


After Hanzo Shimada tried to kill Genji, he joined Overwatch and became a part of Blackwatch. After Overwatch disbanded however, Genji wandered and found himself at the Shambali monastery, where Zenyatta lives. Zenyatta took him under his wing and guided him to finding peace with himself and Hanzo.[1]


Genyatta is often portrayed as a nonsexual and primarily romantic ship, due to both characters being robotic / mainly comprised of robotic parts. This also may stem from Zenyatta being a monk. There are mature fanworks but often creative license is used to portray how the characters have this intimacy.

Fanwork tropes include:

  • Zenyatta in human clothes[2], or as a human[3]
  • Portraying Zenyatta in his Chinese New Year skin[4]
  • Exploring their relationship while Genji was at the monastery[5]
  • Fluff-based fanfics[6]




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