Getting What You Wished For

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Getting What You Wished For
Author(s): Dana Austin Marsh
Date(s): 1998
Length: 6,863 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
External Links: The Kirk/Spock FanFiction Archive
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Getting What You Wished For is a Kirk/Spock story by Dana Austin Marsh.

It was published in the print zine First Time #47 (1998) and online.


"Unable to go through with the farce of being with “Kirk” on the shoreleave planet, Spock returns to the ship determined to tell Kirk of his love after watching the construct of his captain die."

Reactions and Reviews

The old Shore Leave Planet trick, eh? Seriously, this story is testament to how creative we are, taking that one little scenario and exploring it through so many different and subtle perspectives. This is a sweet enjoyable story, with also intensely moving moments. Besides Ms. Marsh's consistently fine writing, there are many things I liked in this story: That Spock's desire on the SL Planet is to study the computers, and that this is the only "fantasy" not allowed. So he finally gives in and fantasizes get it out of his system. Now, it seems this fake-Kirk can't be turned off, and the Caretaker would like Spock's expert help with this problem-so Spock gets to mess with these fabulous computers anyway. I loved the scene of the fake-Kirk "dying" in Spock's arms. This would be so traumatic, a wonderful instigation for Spock finally revealing his feelings to Kirk. But the best was the scene when Spock finally admits to Kirk what he had done on the planet. Just the way it was written was so moment-to-moment intense and vividly shown. I could feel the stunned silence after Spock's declaration. And I adore a convincing anger-scene such as here-Kirk's rage that Spock would give his love to a hologram, not to him. Some cute and darling and lovely words and actions right after this, and hot passion, too, and a sweet ending. A very, very nice story. [1]

This is a 13-page story based on the Shore Leave planet. I like this story which is an interesting variation on the Spock revealing his wishes to a Kirk construct. This time the Kirk robot proves to be more than a handful. The story is well written and holds together well until the last part. Spock should be more disturbed by his final moments on the planet, even though the author explains he wasn’t because it was hidden now “in an area of his mind reserved for things he knew not to be true.” On page 15, I felt the characterization of Spock fell apart for a while. Both Kirk and Spock shout at each other. I don’t think Kirk would get mad so quickly nor that Spock would lose his composure so easily. I can’t imagine Spock saying the words “crummy dummy,” even if he is repeating Kirk. The first nine pages are well written and interesting. So are the last ones, but the characterization suffers. Possibly, if this had been longer the shouting match could have been avoided but the same end result achieved. [2]

The basic theme of this set-on-the-Shore- Leave-planet story is not new, but it does have a twist that raises it above the level of most of its genre. I found myself becoming very fond of the Shore Leave Kirk, who is well and convincingly drawn, and sympathising with the Caretaker, who had 'never had this difficulty before'. [3]

I just love this story. It was very well and uniquely written. The way the caretaker and the replica gave Spock a problem that he couldn't solve, the replica droning on and on wearing Spock down with why Kirk loves him, but the best part was the death of the replica with Spock holding his hand as it slowly expires which cause Spock to reevaluate his relationship with the Captain. The writer has a good grasp of the characters and it shows in her writing. She is one of my all time favorites. I enjoy the way she incorporates humor, poignancy, and revelation in this story. Keep up with the great stories, I can hardly wait for her next one. [4]

On the Shore Leave planet, Spock wants to wish for a Kirk and the only fun he thinks he’d have on this fantasy planet is getting to look at the computers.

I thought it was so poignant when Spock conjures up a desert tent with satin pillows and furs and thinks about having a Kirk who would be passionately in love with him.

I adored it when the duplicate comes into the tent and kisses Spock. “And that kiss was everything Spock had ever imagined it could be. The full lips were satin smooth and cool, and the sharp/salt taste of the human tongue as it invaded his mouth burst upon his own tongue with the exact flavor he expected." I love it!

But so sad when the duplicate says something that reminds Spock it isn’t really Kirk.

And then the problem! Can’t “shut off” this Kirk! I loved how the duplicate Kirk kept trying to convince Spock that he and the real Kirk love him.

What a beautiful ending as Kirk and Spock realize their love. Terrific story. [5]

Here’s a rather humorous follow-up to that delightful "Shoreleave" episode where the Caretaker makes dreams come true. Some illusions are obvious wishes and some are unconscious dreams. In this story the author has Spock's "dream" come true. When Spock refused to stay on the planet to enjoy the amusement park's delights, he returned to the ship, unaware that the Caretaker had acted on Spock's "dream". It became real, and became a problem for the Caretaker who summoned Spock back to the surface to deal with it; and so the story unfolds; just imagine! Oh dreams DO come true!! [6]

A shore-leave planet story with a unique twist. Spock has beamed down to the shore-leave planet, mostly at the request of his captain, and a problem has arisen. It seems the duplicate Kirk he conjured up will not shut down, even though Spock had left the planet after realizing he could not go through with being intimate with it. The Caretaker has to recall Spock down while they try to discover what is going on. The duplicate is a remarkable match for the real Kirk, so remarkable that he disturbs Spock greatly as he talks, teases and tries to goad Spock into confessing his feelings for the real Kirk. He tells Spock the real Kirk loves him, too, but Spock cannot believe him, saying it was his own desire making the fake Kirk believe that.

At last they find the problem: he can't disappear because he hadn't fulfilled the function he was created for. Spock tells him it was wrong of him to dream him up, that he could not have sex with a "non-living creation". The duplicate then drops his bomb—his function was not sex, but to find a way for Spock to tell the real Kirk his true feelings. Even Spock hadn't realized this was what he truly wanted from him. The cause of the malfunction known, it was a simple process for the Caretaker to shut-down the illusion. Not simple for Spock. At the duplicate's request, he remained with him as he slowly slipped away.

Spock returns to the Enterprise shaken. It had hit him hard, watching what looked like Kirk slowly fade into inanimation, mimicking death all too closely, a death Spock feared above his own. It prompted Spock to actually ask Kirk to meet with him after shift, to talk about the 'malfunction'. He gives Kirk a brief recounting, and when Kirk wants to know whose fantasy it was that caused all the trouble, Spock admits it was his, and admits his love for Kirk. What follows is a great scene where Spock learns Kirk loves him too, and they finally act on their love. Their love-making is full of fire and passion, very well done. The ending is a happy one as Spock finally gets what he's always wished for.

I love the writing, and the wonderful originality of this story, both trademarks of this talented author. [7]

This lady's stories always have an element of humor in them, or are at least Iighthearted. While this is a bit more serious than some, it still makes you smile with its different twist on the Shore Leave Planet.

Spock is encouraged/ordered by Kirk to take a couple of days leave time on the planet to at least get warm. This provides a poignant moment as Spock realizes that Kirk has noticed he is never quite comfortable on the ship. Small things like this speak volumes to me on the way Kirk cares for Spock, and vice-versa. Once on the planet, Spock cautiously admits to himself he would like to imagine a replica of James T. Kirk and be able to confess his love for the human. But the SL Kirk slips up and refers to the real Kirk, which breaks the spell for Spock. He banishes the duplicate and decides the whole charade was a huge mistake. Departure plans are interrupted by a summons from the Caretaker, who explains that someone has created a duplicate that cannot be shut off. It's Spock's Kirk! In another touching scene, Spock must tell the duplicate he no longer needs his services and believes the duplicate will simply switch off. However, the replica reaches for Spock's hand and holds tight to it as he slips away in a manner all too similar to death.

Back on the ship, Spock knows he must finally confess his feelings to the real Kirk, no matter the consequences. He does, but the consequences are something of a shock! Things get a little hot! In the words of the author, they come together "...with all the finesse of an ungoverned warp drive." Yep, it's Dana Austin Marsh and her lovingly irreverent style! [8]


  1. ^ The K/S Press #24 (09/1998)
  2. ^ The K/S Press #25 (09/1998)
  3. ^ The K/S Press #21 (05/1998)
  4. ^ The K/S Press #21 (05/1998)
  5. ^ The K/S Press #21 (05/1998)
  6. ^ The K/S Press #41 (01/2000)
  7. ^ The K/S Press #50 (10/2000)
  8. ^ The K/S Press #141 (06/2008)