Holland Roden

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Name: Holland Roden
Also Known As:
Occupation: actress
Medium: Television, Films
Works: Teen Wolf, Bring It On: Fight to the Finish, 12 Miles of Bad Road
Official Website(s): IMDB page, official Twitter account
Fan Website(s): Holland Roden Web, Holland Roden Source, Holland Roden Fan
On Fanlore: Related pages

Holland Roden is an American actress and is best known in the fannish community for starring as Lydia Martin in Teen Wolf.


Holland Roden is frequently used in fanworks as a fancast for various characters, but especially Ariel (for live-action Little Mermaid or for Once Upon A Time) or Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Man).

Holland often makes appearances in Teen Wolf RPF.

Interactions with Fans & Fandom

Notable Fanworks

Archives and Fannish Links
