I before e except when the i becomes an r

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Open Letter
Title: i before e except when the i becomes an r
From: one of the four editors of The Intergalactic Etcetera
Addressed To: Star Trek fans
Date(s): 1978
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
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i before e except when the i becomes an r is a 1978 short open letter by one of the four editors of The Intergalactic Etcetera.

It was printed in the fifth issue of that zine, and was a response to one or more fans complaining about the use of the term trekkie in the Trekkie Opinion Poll.

The Open Letter

An open letter

Re: Usage of the term 'Trekkie'

Resolved: That all should be cognizant of the fact that technical terms have no bearing upon the extent of one's appreciation of or dedication to an ideal

Dear Trekophiles,

The Editors of this 'zine have been criticized [for the] use of the word 'trekkie' (instead of ' trekker'). Since words are the creation of men, end, as in this instance, represent an abstract, I find nothing wrong with the particular word. Granted, the connotation might add an undesirable quality to the meaning, but the word itself does not bear that abrasive element in itself. And, of course, the connotation is an addition made by the individual user of the word. Bearing this in mind, I find that when one devotee to Star Trek addresses another 'trekkie', no malice or abasement is evident, ergo there is no call for an attack upon the person who delivers such a greeting.

Please think before you verbally lash the next comrade who refers to you as a 'Trekkie. You could suceed [sic] merely in exhibiting your limited scope of reason and your inflexible thought patterns were you to.

And keep this in mind: it is an indescribable state of mind that's important, and, as in all philosophical and intellectual movements, bickering over letters only undermines it.

