In the World of Light

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Title: In the World of Light
Author(s): E. Wyllis
Cover Artist(s): Barb Gipson
Date(s): November 1992
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
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In the World of Light is a 147-page het Beauty and the Beast (TV) novel by E. Wyllis.

cover by Barbara Gipson

The art is by Barbara Gipson (front cover), Dragon, and Phyllis Berwick.

This novel is the continuation of Wyllis' "Shadows Unto Thee" in A Different Dream #2.

From the Author's Foreword

I came across Beauty and the Beast a few years ago while tunng through channels during one of the rare occasions when my newborn daughter was asleep. In the midst of commercials and car crashes, someone was reading poetry -- Wordsworth -- and I thought "what is this? PBS? A & E? It was hard to believe it was CBS. I had heard of Beauty and the Beast but had no chance to watch a complete episode until "A Happy Life," and then I sat there wondering "why can't this woman make up her mind?" Her expressions of doubt and pain, though, were touching; the dream sequence was enchanting, and by the finale I was hooked.

So to me Beauty and the Beast was always the story of two people growing and coming together, exploring what that meant to both of them and aided by generous doses of poetry along the way. With all the other elements -- characters, place, all the themes of personal responsibility, duty to others, justice, the worth of each individual, etc. -- it was a magical hour filled with hope and promise for the future every Friday night.

Like others, I was not ready to believe that it was all a lie when the show became something else. We've all been able to recapture what we loved in the beginning through contining the story as it should have been. Writing has been therapeutic for more persons than myself, I think, and it's been a pleasant surprise to find that others enjoy the stories, too, because the "work" has been so enjoyable.

Sample Interior

Reactions and Reviews

This novel is the continuation of Wyllis' “Shadows Like to Thee” in A Different Dream 2. The previous SND story returns C to V's care in the tunnels. With that out of the way, the current novel presents a very complex plot whose major component is C's returning to work, at Joe's insistence, and picking up a prosecution she'd previously worked on: a man named Waller, a crime boss who specializes in making “accidents” happen to anyone who jeopardizes him. Subplots involve Elliot (misbehaving) and D (investigating). C buys a brownstone and she and V settle in Above, despite her being stalked by a persistent reporter. Enough plots and subplots here for five or six novels, and some of the turns may make you blink and wonder, “How did she get from that to this?” But most readers won't be bothered by the overcomplications and coincidences and will enjoy the fine characterization of C & V, in particular. Elliot, Joe, and Father are also tellingly portrayed, as well as Mouse, William, and Diana. More is bitten off, here, than is fully chewed or dramatized, but the thinking is consistently original and interesting...and the writing, particularly the dialogue, is first rate. Many tender C/V moments. Well written, edited, and presented, this is one of the best SND continuations around.[1]
