Inheritance (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Inheritance
Author(s): Dasha
Length: 40K
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Inheritance

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Inheritance is a Sentinel story by Dasha.

Reactions and Reviews

This is a story about assumptions overturned and opinions revised, all sparked by the catalyst of Jim having food poisoning at a restaurant meal with his brother and his father. This is told from Stephen's point of view, with a melancholy bittersweet sort of tone. Lovely. For those of you who have an aversion to it, yes, this story is post-TSbyBS, which does contribute to some of the opinions which get revised, but otherwise it's not a big part of the story. So... what do *you* think? [1]

Best FF That Demonstrates Once Again That Evil Lurks in the Ocean. Do Not Trust the Shellfish: He Does Not Have Your Best Interests in His Squishy, Primitive Heart. Inheritance, by Dasha. The Sentinel, gen. No, wait! Come back! I know lots of people find the concept of Sentinel gen hilariously unappealing, like watery cheese or balloon animals. But, see, I like it. And you should, too. There, I've said it: you should read Sentinel gen, even though the show itself was apparently not really all that gen, judging from the vids. Because, see, there are aspects of the whole senses thing that are legitimately fascinating, in a way that makes me wish that TS had been written by other people. And, okay, I really have no idea what is canonically up with Jim's family, except that he is yet another character in the long line of them, stretching all the way back to, for example, Zeus, who has major daddy issues. Those things are like the plague, baby; they're everywhere. Which, um, makes me think of this, which I will put behind a cut for all our sakes: Expand( Jim sits in a bar... )

But getting back to this story - see, this is the Ellison family trying to enjoy a nice day out. But, no - they can't have nice things. They have to have intergenerational strife. And vomiting. I love this story for the Stephen point of view, the explanation of William's asinine behavior in re: the senses, and for the appearance of highly competent Sandburg. It's brilliant. It's compelling. It's the series the way it should've been written. Plus, just like the series, you can totally assume Jim and Blair are doing it. So, please - won't you try some Sentinel gen today? [2]


  1. ^ Kathryn A at Gen Fic Crit, July 2002
  2. ^ rec by thefourthvine, November 9, 2009