Kauoha ("to order or command")

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Title: Kauoha ("to order or command")
Author(s): ember_firedrake
Date(s): 29 July 2011
Length: 30,207 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Kauoha ("to order or command") (AO3)

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Kauoha ("to order or command") is a Steve/Danny story by ember_firedrake.

Summary: Hawaii Five-0/Ella Enchanted fusion. Danny is cursed with obedience. He must obey any order given to him.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: We admit a bit of apprehension at both the description (Ella Enchanted? Really?) and the concept, but are so glad we read it anyway. Basically this is a story about trust and love told like a classic fairy tale. The premise is that Danny is cursed to always obey orders. We want to be clear from the start that there is no sexual non-con or even dub-con in this fic. The author does an amazing job of taking what could be a disturbing concept and handling it with care. She also manages to interweave the story with canon so completely that it's hard to remember her version isn't the real one. We loved watching Danny and Steve's relationship grow and cheered for Danny as he struggled to overcome his curse. We don't want to give too much away but we can't recommend this story highly enough.[1]
