Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen

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Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen
Alternative name(s): Lauliver
Gender category: het
Fandom: Arrow
Canonical?: canon
Prevalence: common
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Laurel/Oliver is the pairing of Oliver Queen and Laurel Lance from the TV show Arrow.


In Season 1, it was established that before Oliver was trapped on Lian Yu, Oliver and Laurel were together, however they had an on and off again relationship. Often, Oliver cheated on her due to his lack of interest in commitment. They briefly reconnected when he was back, however, both realized they needed to move on.


Laurel/Oliver was a popular pairing at the start of the fandom, appearing soon after information on the show was released. The Livejournal community was created in July 2012, three months before the show premiered. However, despite its early start, the pairing never grew in popularity; more fans were drawn to the Oliver/Felicity Smoak and Laurel/Tommy Merlyn pairings. Many fans still believe that the pairing should be the endgame relationship due to the comicsverse canon of Oliver/Dinah. This view has been exacerbated by Laurel Lance being killed off in Season 4.[1]





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