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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Linguistics
Author(s): Farfalla Caqui
Date(s): 2004
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
External Links: online here, Side by Side Collection on AO3

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Linguistics is a Kirk/Spock story by Farfalla Caqui.

It was published in the con zine KiScon 2004 and subsequently in Side by Side Special Edition #5.


"Kirk muses after seeing Spock through pon farr."

Reactions and Reviews


This look at Kirk's thoughts about Spock, intimacy, and kissing in the aftermath of pon farr is just lovely. The words used are poetic at times, and create a romantic mood as Kirk discovers Vulcans express affection by holding hands instead of kissing. Short but very satisfying. I loved the last paragraph : " I will intimately learn your fingers, every dip of skin and smooth hill of nail, as I have known the mouths of those I have loved. I will learn to express this new, sweet language for all my little words of love." [1]

A charming and poetic story. You know I won't deny anyone their K/S, but it was written such that I could imagine others there instead. It's really about alien love.
Close to you like this for the first real time, I can smell you now--that intimate smell of a person that only a lover can sense

Saw a science show where people looked at pictures of others and picked the ones they thought attractive. Then they smelled a bunch of unwashed shirts (!) worn by the same people and picked the ones they liked. And their choices matched!

I know it can't last forever, like the island of time between the first and last strikes of midnight.

Another gem, as Juli would say.

We emerge from this night in a new relationship, like a hypercube expanded in dimensions we can't imagine from our original friendship.

And another.

It is strange and awkward and feels like a misspelled word.

Agree with her here too.

... you toy with my hair. No, my love, that lock *will not* stay behind my ear, but if you want to amuse yourself by placing it there repeatedly I see no reason to stop you.

Nice line. And I *love* watching girls do that!

Apparently kissing is not a Vulcan art. Vulcans demonstrate their intimate affection with a touch of the fingers, and I finally understand why you held my hand the whole time in bed.


Our fingers twine around each other, like a time-lapse video of cucumber vines growing around a garden spike.

Did you tape those cukes to measure their growth? ;-)

Another winner.[2]


This love letter was so charming. I was fascinated. Beautifully written ... especially the last paragraph.[3]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #98
  2. ^ ASCEM (accessed 1 Dec 2020)
  3. ^ Kirk/Spock Archive (accessed 1 Dec 2020)