Longbow Special

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Are you looking for the gen anthology Longbow by the same publisher?

Title: Longbow Special
Publisher: Celtic Hart Press
Editor(s): Sue Rutherford/Sandy Williams
Date(s): 1991
Medium: print
Fandom: Robin of Sherwood
Language: English
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Longbow Special is an overflow fanzine of gen Robin of Sherwood fan fiction. It contains two stories, "two back-to-back... novellas from the Bloodlines and Runesong trilogies" stories that were begun in previous issues of Longbow.

  • Ties that Bind by Janice Lamel (sequel to "Promises Broken" in Longbow #2 and continued in "Turning of the Seasons" in Longbow #3) ("In this final (maybe chapter, beginning in 1215, David of Huntingdon is declared a traitor by King John and flees toward the guaranteed sanctuary of Scotland. But unforeseen circumstances involving his granddaughter, Christina, force him instead to take refuge in Sherwood Forest. There the earl must relay on both the outlawed son he had disinherited and the woman he once called "notorious." In a story fraught with confrontations, Marion must come to terms with herself and face the deception told twelve years before.")
  • Ceremony of Innocence by Sandy Williams (Second book in the Runesong Trilogy, begun with "Covenant" in an earlier issue of Longbow. It covers the years 1216 through 1218 and is divided into three parts: Master of the Dance, Talisman, and Candles in the Wind.) ("In fulfillment of a promise made to the dying Sir Richard of Leaford, Tuck embarks alone on an arduous search for the long-lost son of Robin of Loxley. His journey leads him to an encounter with an erstwhile troupe of itinerant actors, whose main livelihood seems to derive less from paid performances before the nobility than from chicanery and the occasional theft. Befriended by a young, charismatic of the group, the friar becomes a willing participant in their magical world of theatrical fantasy and reality. Circumstances soon bring the acting troupe to Huntingdon and Tuck back into the arms of his Sherwood companions. The sudden infatuation by the Earl of Huntingdon's granddaughter with one of the actors unexpectedly threatens the very fabric of the friar's religious convictions and complicates both the lives of his old and new friends. Before the dilemma can be resolved, an unforeseen sequence of events -- marked by misunderstanding, confrontations, murder, kidnapping, and a shocking revelation -- will force the former outlaws of Sherwood to take arms once again in a desperate struggle against those who would destroy everything the Hooded Man and his followers have accomplished and hold most dear.")