Lost and Found (Veronica Mars fic)

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Title: Lost and Found
Author(s): hotchoco195
Date(s): 2013-03-21
Length: 17963 words
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Veronica Mars
External Links: link to AO3

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Lost and Found by hotchoco195 is a WeeVer season 1 AU story that employs the Friends to Lovers trope.


Lilly's death hit them both hard, so why shouldn't Veronica turn to Weevil for a little comfort? But he turns out to be much, much more than that.

Reviews and Reactions

Perfection. Sheer perfection. Episode fills are my not-so-secret guilty pleasure, and watching you weave this around the familiar dialogue ... yup, new head canon. Not only is the dialogue spot on, but you have some marvellous lines in there - most of them sharp and funny, but some really beautiful as well. I particularly love the back and forth about Weevil dressing up for his cousin's birthday party ... absolutely spot on. And if you're a Veronica and Weevil reader, you KNOW how wonderful it is to stumble across 17,000 words worth of your otp. Just ... you made my day. Possibly my month, which is saying something since we just got our movie![1]

*happy sigh* This was just lovely. I liked how you followed the story arches, and fleshed out the tv scenes with the flirtation/play that we all knew was simmering under the surface. Sweet, wordy (MY FAVORITE! ugh I would kill for a WeeVer epic..), hot, and just so great. Thank you![2]

Sooooooo perfectly perfect. Characters on point, smuttastic, fluffy and sooo believable. A part of me wonders what took me so long to fijd this but another part is sad because its already over.[3]


  1. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 24, 2015
  2. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 24, 2015
  3. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 24, 2015