Love Will Always Be a Lesson (Let's Get Out of its Way)

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Title: Love Will Always Be a Lesson (Let's Get Out of its Way)
Author(s): mindheist
Date(s): April 2016
Length: 60k words; 1 chapter
Genre(s): Hollywood AU, slash
Fandom(s): BTS
External Links: ao3 link, Archived version

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Love Will Always Be a Lesson (Let's Get Out of its Way) is a BTS fanfic by mindheist. It is a Hollywood AU. The main pairing is Taekook.

On the Archive of Our Own, it is the thirty-eighth most popular BTS fanwork by hit count. As of February 2021, the work has over 260,000 hits; 5,500 kudos; 476 comments; and 2,800 bookmarks.

At some point between April and September 2021, the fic was removed from AO3 by its author.


Summary: Lesson 1: it’s not real.

Reactions and Review

it was very well written, easy to read, the character development was great & I feel like I'll love this fic now and forever ♡[1]

It made me cry. I sound like a cry baby but it did. It's wonderfully written. it is a bit long to be placed as a one shot but yet it works. A wonderfully done actors au in Hollywood. There is domestic abuse that impacts one of the main characters but does not appear in the taekook relationship itself. There's also depression and underage. The underage warning mainly holds place for the earlier scenes and consensual. As always read the tags and the authors notes has some more info as well. [2]

Lights. There’s a moment I set aside before I open up a new story. I have to close my eyes, take a deep breath, steady my hands, and steel myself for the upcoming journey. Camera. There’s something exhilarating in trusting your heart in the imagination of an author, especially one that has consistently proven to never disappoint, and I guess I must be quite a masochist because this author never fails to break my heart. I can only piece it back together and hope the cracks don’t show too much through the glue. Action! Throughout the story, I was played – my heart was a violin and every emotional string was masterfully plucked until the tension and stress became too much and the strings snapped one by one. Lesson 1: it’s not real. To be honest, the tags posted for this fic are more for content warning and are a bit misleading; there is a much bigger picture that is painted in this story. It’s hard to describe it without giving away any spoilers and I very much want to tell you why you should read it, but I’m kind of stuck just telling you this: trust me. Trust me, read it, love it, and I’ll be here waiting for you.[3]

don’t be alarmed by the warning, it holds only for several of the early scenes and is consensual. powerful, time-withstanding love with an overwhelming undercurrent of heartache. about receiving all the love you could possibly get and never asking for more. this one is going to hurt, but it’ll be worth it in the end.[4]

FAVORITE. MINDHEIST FIC. HANDS. D O W N. I have been waiting to read this for so long because I thought it was a stereotypical fake dating AU from the description–IT IS NOT. It’s nothing like that. It’s pining and prose and introspection and character studies in character studies, it’s everything this had the potential to be and more. The exploration of their lives and how they interact with the lessons they learn from their works, from the knowledge they absorb from their characters–this fic is a actor’s dream, the best representation of theatre I could have asked for. Please read this. Bump it up on your to read lists, in your bookmarks, on your everything. Don’t make my mistakes.[5]


It's safe to say this is the 'classic' taekook fic. I am so thankful for this masterpiece and all of her other works[7]

・writer: mindheist
・60k w
・actor au
・omg so soft, the longing and angst is perfect
・happy ending!

・very romantic, i adored quite everything.[8]


Inspired Fanworks


  1. ^ "Aug 25, 2017 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.
  2. ^ "Oct 21, 2018 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.
  3. ^ "April 26, 2016 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.
  4. ^ "Rec at The Taekook Library, Jan 5, 2017 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.
  5. ^ "June 26, 2019 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.
  6. ^ "Do you have any favorite taekook fanfics?". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.
  7. ^ "April 9, 2020 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.
  8. ^ "Jan 13, 2021 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.
  9. ^ "July 4, 2020 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.