Lust (Hanson story)

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Title: Lust
Author(s): Aimster
Date(s): 2014-2015
Length: 206,782 words
Genre(s): angst/darkfic
Fandom(s): Hanson
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Lust is a Hanson fanfic written by Aimster.

The story begins with a mundane doctors appointment that ends with Taylor trapped in the basement of the family doctor he had trusted for years. With an even more dangerous sidekick to help him, the doctor confines Taylor to the basement and attempts to turn him into his sexual slave. It is eventually revealed that the sidekick is part of a larger ring of sex traffickers and there is much more to the story than Taylor realizes at first.

Reactions and Reviews

From a review by Bethany on[1]

Just as Aimster develops the villains’ characters, she also shows Taylor’s descent into despair, depression and even Stockholm Syndrome. The conflict between the two villains makes Taylor’s sympathy for his kidnapper, Fenton, more believable so that I have to stop and think about it before I start to feel for him, too. This makes Taylor’s return to life when he is eventually rescued even more painful, but realistic, to read.

