May I Suggest

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Title: May I Suggest
Creator: AbsoluteDestiny
Date: 2011
Format: digital
Length: 4:30 minutes
Music: "May I Suggest" by Susan Werner
Fandom: Up (2009)
URL: original vid announcement
screencap from May I Suggest

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May I Suggest is a fanvid by that premiered at Vividcon 2011. It had a profound impact on the attending membership and many attendees found themselves crying at its conclusion. The timing of the vid may have helped deepen the emotional impact, as it was shown barely a month after long time Vividcon member, Sandy Herrold had passed. However, as one viewer pointed out, the universal theme of love, loss and separation by death and time, allows the vid to reach a wide audience.

The vid was one of several shown at Vividcon that year that led one attendee to dub the convention: Vividcry 2011.[1]

Vidder's summary: "The best part of your life."

Lyrics Excerpts

May I suggest
May I suggest to you
May I suggest this is the best part of your life
May I suggest
This time is blessed for you
This time is blessed and shining almost blinding bright
Just turn your head
And you'll begin to see
The thousand reasons that were just beyond your sight
The reasons why
Why I suggest to you
Why I suggest this is the best part of your life.


  • "I felt like this vid was speaking specifically to me, and I know I'm not the only one in the room who felt that way. I've never felt such a personal connection to a vid. The fact that I've never seen the movie is barely an afterthought. I think that's why "May I Suggest" is so effective: the vidder was able to draw out a statement about the human experience and make a comment on it in a way that's more or less detached from the source. In that way, I've never seen a better example of transformative work in vidding." [2]
  • "It's raining on my face."[3]
  • "I don't think I've seen a vid make that many people cry. Even if you've never seen Up, you get the emotion, you get his heroes journey, you get the love, you understand him losing her, you feel the genuine emotion and loss. [It was a] shared emotional experience,.... severely beautiful, waves crashing the sand...(everyone starts to cry again in Vid Review).."[4]
  • "I'm sure someone's said it better than I can about how the best art is the stuff that makes you feel something - not horror or nausea or disgust, but awe and sorrow and joy. That sort of feeling always makes me want to go make something myself."[5]
  • "For a sense of the emotional spectrum that we experienced this year, watch absolutedestiny's Up vid, "May I Suggest", which will bring the tears, and check out the world-altering Clark/Lex vid "I Swear" by dualbunny, greensilver, and sweetestdrain, which will bring yet more tears, but of laughter this time."[6]


  1. ^ See convention report on the Vividcon 2011 page.
  2. ^ ~ bradcpu in VVC vid recs + short report, dated August 16, 2011; WebCite.
  3. ^ Comment in the original vid announcement, Archived version.
  4. ^ anoel's Vividcon Vid Review 2011 Notes, dated Aug. 15th, 2011; WebCite.
  5. ^ Comment in serrico's The icon on this post was chosen with *purpose* Vividcon post, dated August 16, 2011; WebCite.
  6. ^ talitha78's Vividcon 2011: Tears and Laughter, dated August 15, 2011.