Meng po

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Title: meng po
Author(s): tzitzimeme
Date(s): 2020-2021
Length: , Complete
Genre(s): Angst, Major Character Death
Fandom(s): Genshin Impact
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meng po was a controversial and iconic fanfic by tzitzimeme in the Genshin Impact fandom which has since been deleted. It dealt with heavy and controversial themes such as suicide and drug use, and also featured a tragic zhongxiao arc that some found unexpected (as Xiao/Zhongli was tagged on the fic)


Xiao hasn't seen his childhood friend Zhongli for over five years. So when the latter waltzes into his repair shop with the most fucked-up laptop he's ever seen in his life, he realizes that:

1. Zhongli is still just as stupid, and

2. Zhongli is now incredibly hot, and

3. Zhongli is already taken.

(Or, a story about how every star in our galaxy is mired in pain, but a little bit of kindness goes a long way.)

(deleted) AO3 Summary

Fan Reviews and Responses

This work inflamed ship wars between Xiao/Venti shippers and Zhongli/Xiao shippers, even pulling in Zhongli/Childe shippers. It seemed like an id fic which at the time fandom was not ready for. The controversy surrounding the fic may have dampened the enthusiasm for xiaoven at the time (

Meta / Discussion / Ship wars


After Deletion
