Miles Vorkosigan

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Miles Vorkosigan is the main character of most books in Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga.


Miles is from the planet Barrayar, a former colony world that reverted to a medieval level of technology and has since rejoined galactic civilization. He is the son of Aral Vorkosigan, a major nobleman, and his wife Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan, who is from the more technologically advanced and socially liberal Beta Colony. An assassination attempt against Cordelia during her pregnancy using a teratogenic chemical weapon leaves Miles with brittle bones and severely stunted growth.

Barrayaran culture is intensely ableist and traditionally practiced infanticide of visibly physically disabled newborns up until shortly before Miles' birth. As a result, Miles faces severe prejudice throughout his life. Despite this, his wits and resourcefulness allow him to achieve a successful career first as leader of a mercenary company and then as an operative in the service of the Barrayaran Emperor Gregor Vorbarra over the course of the series.



Miles has a number of canonical female love interests including his eventual wife Ekaterin Vorsoisson Vorkosigan, his childhood crush Elena Bothari, his long-term girlfriend Elli Quinn, and his occasional lover Taura. Miles' colleague Bel Thorne, who is nonbinary and intersex, is attracted to him, but Miles' heteronormative Barrayaran upbringing prevents him from pursuing a relationship with Bel. However, later in life he admits to having been attracted to Bel and regrets not having acted on it in their youth. Fanwork tends to focus on shipping Miles with Ekaterin and on exploring his feelings for Bel, as well as often shipping him with Gregor.

Although Miles is canonically close to his cousin Ivan Vorpatril and Ivan is a popular character in fandom, they are rarely shipped. However, fanwork often foregrounds Miles and Ivan's platonic friendship. Gen fanwork about MIles' close relationships with both of his parents is also common.