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Pairing: Miquella/Mohg
Alternative name(s):
Gender category: Slash
Fandom: Elden Ring
Canonical?: yes (one-sided)
Prevalence: uncommon
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Miquella/Mohg is the canonical incestuous slash pairing of Miquella and Mohg from Elden Ring.


Mohg was born an Omen (a person covered in horns and reviled as cursed) and embraced evil magic unlike his twin Morgott. During the war known as the Shattering, Mohg kidnapped his younger Empyrean (candidate god) half-brother Miquella, tearing the cocoon in which he was slumbering out of the Haligtree (a sanctuary created by Miquella). Mohg took the unconscious Miquella to his underground palace. His intent was to found his own dynasty by making himself Miquella's consort and raising him to full godhood.


Common Tropes


The ship is controversial due to its canonically involving or at least invoking several problematic tropes: incest, underage (Miquella is cursed to forever remain a child physically), kidnapping, forced marriage, and non-consensual sex (in-game text states Mohg tried to "share" his "bloody bedchamber" with an unresponsive Miquella).

Some fans theorize that Miquella either assented to the union or manipulated Mohg into abducting him.[1] This is based on in-game descriptions of Miquella as having "the wisdom, the allure, of a god" and being able to magically compel affection.[1] Opponents of this theory have characterized its supporters as "truthers" and CSA apologists.[2]

GameRant writer Jared Carvalho described the Miquella/Mohg subplot as having "one of the worst implications for LGBT+ representation" of any FromSoftware game.[3]




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  1. ^ a b "Mohg was being manipulated by Miquella" thread on r/Eldenring on Reddit
  2. ^ Meme by catcas22 on Tumblr
  3. ^ Jared Carvalho, "Elden Ring: Mohg May Be the Souls Series' Worst LGBT+ Representation", GameRant, 24 May 2022