Modus Vivendi (Buffy story)

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Title: Modus Vivendi
Author(s): wiseacress
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: online here

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Modus Vivendi is a Spike/Xander story by wiseacress.

Reactions and Reviews

Oh, *man*. ANOTHER brilliant Spike/Xander story, and this one? Comes complete with an OFC that makes me have faith for OFCs everywhere.

Funny, sexy, bleak, painful, dead-on characterization, and just impossible to put down. I remember the Spike was trying to get me to read this while it was still a WiP, but I'm glad I waited -- people could've gotten hurt, otherwise.


Wonderfully done. [1]

Modus Vivendi (which I have certainly spelt wrong) was the first [Spander story] I read for the heck of it, and I was surprised to love it. [2]

Spike/Xander. Xander moves to L.A. to start a new life after breaking up with Anya. When some of Spike's enemies see them together, they give Xander a little message to deliver to Spike.

Why you should read this: This is chipped Spike without the Buffy obsession. A bitter, dark Spike like espresso, one who's been robbed of his physical bite but not his verbal one - think "Harsh Light of Day" and "Doomed." Spike isn't often written this close to season 4 canon in fanfic, especially in slash, and that makes this exploration of his personality all the more fascinating. There's a very good original female character who is interesting in a cold, calculating sort of way. [3]


  1. ^ from Recs & Reviews at S/X and Violence
  2. ^ comment by onetwomany at The hot new thing (2003)
  3. ^ from Recs & Reviews by Wesleysgirl