Months and miles from dreams

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Title: Months and miles from dreams
Author(s): ellievolia (delicatale)
Date(s): 16 June - 02 July 2011
Length: 51,267 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, AU
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Months and miles from dreams (AO3, you need to log in)

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Months and miles from dreams is a Steve/Danny story by ellievolia.

Summary: He'll get used to it - he gets used to everything. But he's only got five days before he's back to Africa and it feels worthless, almost. Fucking mission, fucking Basher for getting caught out. Now he's here, wandering the streets with nowhere to go and no one to see, because he can't go home and he can't tell anyone he's here. That AU in which Steve is an active Navy SEAL and Danny is in New Jersey, owning a gym.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: The angst in this is a many layered and palpable thing, but it’s not character torment for its own sake. It starts out simple and and becomes a real journey of discovery for Steve and Danny both. The author handles the story deftly while leaving in enough of the rough edges to make it an interesting and gritty read. Another great long fic produced over the summer that is very much worth your time. Once you've read this one you won't to miss the recently posted coda: Where the fears make us whole.[1]

Months and Miles from Dreams is by far one of my favourite H50 stories. It takes a very interesting and realistic glimpse at a situation where Steve and Danny meet before 2010 under very different circumstances. Steve is still in active service and Danny never became a cop, or married Rachel. They are two lonely men who find company in each other, much to their surprise. Steve is emotionally stunted and doesn't communicate, Danny is hot headed and rants. Even though the setting is unlike the one of the first season, the two of them manage to find love and happiness.[2]

This AU begins in 2005 when Steve, an active Navy SEAL finds himself on leave in Newark, NJ. Wandering around the city, he finds Williams', a boxing gym owned by Danny. He and Danny grow close, but Steve has this bad habit of leaving without saying goodbye. The story follows their evolving relationship through five years as Steve spends each of his leaves in Newark. delicatale does a great job of keeping Steve and Danny in character throughout this lovely story.[3]


  1. ^ shinysylver in: h50-rec-room. Themed Thursday (9/15/11) - Long!Fic Part 2. (Accessed 16 May 2016)
  2. ^ simarillion in: epic_recs. Months and Miles from Dreams by Ellievolia (NC-17), 17 November 2012. (Accessed 01 June 2016)
  3. ^ iamrosalita in: crack_van. Months and Miles From Dreams (Explicit), 15 July 2011. (Accessed 08 June 2016)