Multiverse (convention)

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Name: Multiverse
Dates: 1995-2010
Frequency: annually
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Type: fan run (with occasional actor guests)
Focus: science fiction
Organization: Multiverse Coalition
Founding Date: 1995
URL: WayBack link to the Multiverse Coalition's website.
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Multiverse was a large fan run convention held in Australia. It gathered together a wide range of both media as well as science fiction fans.

It is subtitled: "Multi Universal Science Fiction Convention."


The first convention was held on Nov 25, 1995 on the second floor of the Melbourne University student union building. There were no actor guests.


The second convention was held on Sept 6-8, 1996 at the Edmund Barton Centre. There were no actor guests

From the 1996 online flyer:

Multiverse II

Run jointly by Enterprise: The Star Trek Appreciation Society of Victoria, Official Red Dwarf fan club, Babylon 5 fan club, Australian Costumers Guild, Dr Who Fan Club of Victoria, Melbourne Science Fiction Club

When: September 7-8 1996 (this year !!)

Where: Edmund Barton Centre, 488 South Moad moorrabin

Cost: $20 1 day-children under 14 $15 1 day; $30 both days; children under 14 $25 both days

What: costume parade, charity auction, internet on line, raffles, Panels, dealers areas, videos, internet relay chats with guests, Pyjama party, displays and lots lots more....

Why: to have fun. To meet new friends, to do things with other fans, To raise funds for our various charities. Why not...[1]


The third event was held on Feb 13-15, 1998 at the Edmund Barton Centre. Actor guests included Robert Llewellyn and Claudia Christian (Babylon 5).


Multiverse 4 was held in June 2001. Guests of honor were Anthony Daniels (C3PO from “Star Wars”), Virginia Hey (from “Farscape”) and Brian Thompson (various characters in “X-Files”). A panel on slash was held. Other items of interest: Items of interest include the Guests talks and Q&A sessions, Autograph sessions, Raiders of the Lost Ark 20th Anniversary Banquet, Mad Max 21st birthday celebrations, panels, videos,and dealers. You can read convention reports here and here and also see an archived copy of the convention website here.

2001: Con Reports

Queen’s Birthday weekend in June 2001, saw the crowds flock to Melbourne for...the football! (But the brainy ones came to our fair city to enjoy Multiverse 4.) This was the fourth in a series of conventions run by a coalition of fan clubs, and by all measures, the organisation of the event was clearly competent and user friendly.

The Guests of Honour were Anthony Daniels (C3PO from “Star Wars”), Virginia Hey (from “Farscape”) and Brian Thompson (various characters in “X-Files”, etc.) While these were undoubtedly the public drawcard for many of the attendees, the convention also gave fans the opportunity to participate in a variety of fan-run panels and workshops that were worthwhile in their own right.

Spaced Out presented a fan discussion on “Sexuality in Science Fiction” and our panellists presented various personal insights on a genre of literature that proclaims itself as being progressive while actually remaining conservative. Geoff served as ‘MC’ for the panel and introduced the topic within the stereotypes of heterosexual gender roles in science fiction. Mirna spoke on ‘slash’ fiction and the often-heterosexual audience that appears interested in this form of gay literature. Addam questioned the need for gay/lesbian invisibility in media science fiction, and Julie gave some compelling personal revelations on transgender invisibility. Miriam spoke on cybersex and alien sex. The audience participated in some challenging questions and answers, and gave responses on the issues. Some suggested challenging possibilities for future media SF shows, such as the upcoming new “Star Trek” series. Others responded to our pamphlet on “Sexualities in Science Fiction” and followed us up after the convention with suggestions for inclusions in future editions of our pamphlet.

Overall, we felt that this panel was worthwhile and we thank the participants for giving so much of their time and energy.

Other fan panels were also worth checking out – Miriam spoke on Virtual Reality and participated in the “Stereotypical SF Costuming” panel. Kerry participated in the “Writer’s Day” stream of programming, while other local fans discussed their growth as scriptwriters, video producers or authors. It was inspiring to see a number of local fans who had used their years of fan-based activities to refine their skills to the point where they had been able to become professionals in their respective creative fields.

The Guests of Honour (GOHs) were certainly entertaining and, of course, remained the main attraction for the weekend. Indeed, the only disappointment at the convention for this reviewer was the audience itself, who were interested in the GOHs to the apparent exclusion of many other activities. Many fans avoided the fan-run panels and activities, so they missed out on the “heart” of the weekend. That disappointment most clearly defines the difference between fans as consumers and fans as creators. While Spaced Out and other SF clubs must obviously cater for the former type of fan, we might hopefully inspire people to become the latter – become personally involved in their hobby and make a difference. Viva la difference! [2]


This event was held on Feb 13-15, 2010. The location was again Edmund Barton Centre and the actor guests were Anthony Daniels, Virginia Hey, Brian Thompson, and John Cook


  1. ^ Subject: MULTIVERSE II CONVENTION post to the FidoNet Blake's 7 forum dated July 12, 1996.
  2. ^ from Diverse Universe #9