Nevertrodden Worlds

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Title: Nevertrodden Worlds
Editor(s): Sherna Burley
Date(s): 1970
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS & multimedia
Language: English
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Nevertrodden Worlds was never [Proposed Zines/N|published].

Nevertrodden was the zine, along with Masiform D, that was to be published after the editors of Spockanalia went their separate ways.

From the editorial in Spockanalia #5:

CONCERNING THE FUTURE OF SPOCKANALIA; There seems to be some confusion about the editorial switcharoo in progress. SPOCKANALIA will be split into two fanzines. Sherna is still hoping to put together the secondary universe fanzine announced lastish. It will be called NEVERTRODDEN WORLDS, Devra and Debbie will hold up the Brooklyn end with a a new fanzine which is tentatively titled MASIFORM D.

The SPOCKANALIA staff, in case you were wondering, will separate on the friendliest of terms. When we were split between Brooklyn and Newark, the problems of getting together were just about solvable, Now that the trip is even longer, and Sherna has a husband and household as well as a job, they are insurmountable. More and more of the work has fallen on Devra and Debbie, and more and more we missed the mutual inspiration of minds in frequent and close contact. So it's time to quit and take the next step, and if both, or only one, or even neither of the two new 'zines ever come's been a grand five issues, and we thank you all for 
sharing them with us. AS FAR AS MASIFORM D IS CONCERNED: We will always be interested in STAR TREK material. Devra and I (Debbie) are both equally fond of STAR TREK-as-the-real-universe themes, but we are looking for articles of general interest as well. Our first issue is shaping up as a fairly good mixture of ST and non-ST material. NEVERTRODDEN WORLDS was projected in the last issue. In case you didn't see it. Sherna describes it as follows: "It will be a general secondary universe fanzine, accepting any well-written material and art on any secondary universe of interest to me. (And I can become interested in quite a number of things.) Some examples in mind for the future: Tolkien, the Foundation universe [Isaac Asimov], Pern (of Ann McCaffrey's DRAGONRIDER), Georgette Heyer, Superman, the Jurgen series, and anything else of fannish or fringefannish interest. As long as I enjoy it. (I am much more interested in articles than in fiction.)

BUT BUT BUT... I will give first consideration always to articles where the universe written about is the "real" one. This has been a vital part of SPOCKANALIA'S character."