Neon RainBow Press

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Zine Publisher
Name: Neon RainBow Press
Type: fanfic
Fandoms: multifandom
Status: active
Other: fanzine publisher
URL: some Wayback links (2003-2019)
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Neon RainBow Press have been collectively publishing fanzines since 1988.

In 1993, three fanzine publishers came together to form Neon RainBow Press: Ooga-Booga Times Press, Project Nine Press, and Our Little Secret Press.

The editors of the new press are Cinda Gillilan and Jody Norman.


From the main page:

Neon RainBow Press is an unofficial, not-for-profit, amateur fan fiction press. Since 1988 we've been writing fan fiction and publishing fanzines based on our favorite television characters and series, because we love them, and we want to keep the series alive - at least in fiction.

Most of these shows are off the air now, but a couple are current. Here at our website you'll find some basic information on our favorite TV series, as well as information for any fanzines and special collections we have available for that show. In addition, you can find submission guidelines for zines we are currently accepting material for, and links to other websites with information on our favorite series.

For your convenience the introduction page for each universe includes a note on when it was last updated. On any given universe page, anything added recently will have a "new" label attached to it. Even if we haven't added anything new to a page in a year or more, all of the titles are available to be ordered and the price listed is correct. [1]

A 2016 Update

Media West 2016:

We would really like to send a few titles to the con. If anyone has a table in the dealers room, and wouldn't mind agenting our zines, please get in touch. I think we will have three titles and just 5-10 copies of each of those titles.

Paper and Electronic:

Our older titles care currently only available as PDF files. You can take these PDF files to any copy center and they can print and bind them for you. PDF zines will run $7 each. If you buy more than one zine at a time, the prices will be as follows: $5 for the second title, $3 for the third, and $1 for the fourth (and every title after that). You can still pay for zines via check, money order, or Paypal. New zines, with new material (not the zines with stories all taken from off the net) that debut in 2016 will be available in paper format until December 31, 2016. All titles that are avaiable in a paper format will be listed on the What's New page and marked with an (*). However, if you really want or need paper copy of an older title, just contact Cinda and she can work it out. [2]


  1. ^ Neon RainBow Press, accessed April 2016
  2. ^ Neon RainBow Press