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Science Fiction Convention
Name: Norwescon
Dates: 1978-present
Frequency: annual
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
Focus: science fiction
Founding Date: 1978
URL: website
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Norwescon is a science fiction convention held in Seattle, WA held every Easter weekend.

"Norwescon is the Pacific Northwest’s premiere science fiction and fantasy convention and one of the largest regional science fiction and fantasy conventions in the United States. While maintaining a primarily literary focus, Norwescon is large enough to provide a venue for many of the other aspects of science fiction and fantasy and the interests of its fans such as anime, costuming, art, gaming, and much, much more." [1]

"Norwescon" was also the name of the 8th World Science Fiction Convention, held in Portland, Oregon, in 1950.


"Norwescon grew out of the desire of its founders to host a Worldcon in Seattle in 1981. However, there was one major issue — at the time, most of Pacific Northwest fandom had little or no experience in running cons. Norwescon was therefore originally formed as an effort to get some practice for Worldcon. Realizing they would need a large group of people from which to draw volunteers, the founders also started the Northwest Science Fiction Society or NWSFS. From these humble beginnings, Norwescon came into being." [2]


Norwescon hosts the Philip K. Dick Award which is given to the author of the best original novel appearing in the previous year in paperback form without prior publication as a hardback.

The Philip K. Dick award was first presented at Norwescon in 1984.

Guests and Dignitaries

Each Norwescon has a Guest of Honor (GoH), a Fan Guest of Honor (FGoH), and a Toastmaster (TM).

Norwescon 1

Norwescon 1 was held March 25–26, 1978; GoH: Theodore Sturgeon; FGoH John D. Berry; TM Alan E. Nourse; attendance was 415.

Norwescon 2

Norwescon 2 was held March 23–25, 1979; GoH: Philip José Farmer; FGoH Loren MacGregor; TM Elizabeth A. Lynn; attendance 725.

Norwescon 3

Norwescon 3 was held March 28–30, 1980; GoH: Alfred Bester; FGoH Fred Pohl; TM Theodore Sturgeon; attendance 732.

Norwescon 4

Norwescon 4 was held March 27–29, 1981; GoH: Samuel R. Delany; FGoH Jack, Pauline, and Tilda Palmer; TM Philip Klass (William Tenn); attendance 1410.

Norwescon 5

Norwescon 5 was held March 18–21, 1982; GoH: Thomas Disch; AGoH Michael Whelan; FGoH Bob Shaw; TM Richard A. Lupoff; attendance 1371.

"The Enchanted Duplicator" by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was the skit performed at Norwescon #5 in 1982: It was a "Razz Bazz Rep Production." The program book (10 pages mimeoed with two staples, traditional Ross Chamberlin front & back covers) was edited by Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden. Director Shelly Dutton. Contributors to program book - the editors and Gary Farber. Done in honor of Bob Shaw as a guest of Norwescon. All of known Seattle fandom seems to have had a hand in this production.

Norwescon 6

Norwescon 6 was held March 17–20, 1983; GoH: Jack Williamson; AGoH Richard Powers; FGoH Art Widner; TM Algis Budrys; attendance is unknown.

Norwescon 6: Con Reports

During the weekend of March 17 through March 20, 1983, large masses (nearly 1,600 individuals) of Science Fiction enthusiasts swooped domn once again on the Seattle Hyatt Hotel. They mere in for 3 weekend of films, panel discussions, film previews, an art show, dancing and a banquet.

Things started off Thursday afternoon and kept on rolling until late Sunday evening. The Guest of Honor was Jack Williamson, the Fan Guest of Honor was Art Widner. Artist Guest of Honor was Richard Powers and Algis Budrys was Toastmaster. There mere many noted authors also present including Vonda Mclntyre, Norman Spinrad, George R.R. Martin, Julian May and Patricia McKillip. Artists mere also in force. Along with Artist Guest of Honor Richard Powers, notables such as Darrell Anderson and William Warren, Jr. were there with displays of their work.

The programming, at its peak, ran on 6 tracks; not including the 3 channels of closed circuit TV showing Science Fiction films and episodes 24-hours-a-day. There were panels on such varied topics as "Trends in Cinema", "Why Read Science Fiction, Anyway", and "How to Commission Art". Other programming included an art show, a 16mm film series with films like Dr. Strangelove, and Mad Max as well as the ever-popular film premiers.

There were a number of films previewed. Representatives from studios presented information on upcoming films such as Superman II, Never Say Never Again, Twilight Zone, Krull, Twice Up on a Time, Greystroke and of course, the one everyone was waiting for, a preview of Return of the Jedi. Howard Kazenjian, producer of Return of the Jedi, as well as Executive Producer of Raiders of the Lost Ark, presented a tantalizing slide show and short film on the upcoming feature.

One of the most popular events for the entire weekend was the masquerade, Saturday evening. This year’s host once again was Frank Catalano, a professional free-lance writer and a broadcast journalist for a Seattle Fm station; and this year, the recipient of a shaving-cream pie-in-the-face delivered by Batman's (and Frank's as well) arch-enemy, The Joker. Seems The Joker has been following this emcee around from convention to convention, with a surprise every time! The costumes were all outstanding and this year's winners included Stoddard Smurfkiller, a barbarian dedicated to stamping out excessive cuteness, and Temptasha, an insectoid from Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

Another fun event was the Author's Autograph Party where you got your big chance to get the signature of one of your favorite authors or artists for your collection. Of course the longest line was for Jack Williamson, Guest of Honor this year. Many people turned out with literally boxes and suitcases of books to be autographed. I stuck with just my program book, I didn't feel up to carting 25 pounds of books on the train with me.

Other enjoyable events I attended included the Amateur Film Contest, with "The Count" — a vampire parody — the winner. A panel discussion entitled "I Married Fandom" was staffed with those who unsuspectingly hitched up with fans, and who eventually ended up in fandom as well. This panel provided some Interesting and amusing anecdotes. The films shown on the video network were varied and many. Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and the entire run of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy were among my favorites.

By the time Sunday evening came around, I will admit I was tired (staying up 'til 3:00 am every night will do that to you!) but I also was a little sad it was nearly over. Although I may be eating beans and hard-tack the rest of the month, It was definitely worth every penny I spent (most of it in the dealer's room!) Norwescon is a well-planned and top-notch event and I hope to be able to return again in following years. [3]

Norwescon 7

Norwescon 7 was held March 22–25, 1984; GoH: L. Sprague & Catherine Crook de Camp; AGoH Don Maitz; FGoH Jack Speer; TM Marta Randall; attendance ~1700.

Joanna Russ was on a one-person panel that had the topic of K/S.

The program book was 8 ½ x 11 and contains 88 pages. Front and back covers by Don Maitz. Profile of L. Sprague and Catherine De Camp by Poul Anderson. Sketch of the de Camps by Kelly Freas. Profile of Jack Speer by Elinor Busby. Profile of artist guest of honor Don Maitz by Michael Whelan. Marta Randall profile by Vonda McIntyre. Gallery of art by Don Maitz, Paul Alexander, George Barr, Tom Kidd, Carl Lundgren, Rowena Morrill, Leo & Diane Dillon, Tarkas, Vincent Di Fate, Victoria Poyser, Michael Whelan and more.

Norwescon 8

Norwescon 8 was held March 14–17, 1985; GoH: Brian Aldiss; AGoH Jack Gaughan (did not attend); FGoH Rich Brown; TM Robert Silverberg; Science GoH Gregory Benford; attendance is unknown.

Norwescon 9

Norwescon 9 was held March 20–23, 1986; GoH: Anne McCaffrey; AGoH Kelly Freas; FGoH Greg Bennett; TM Spider Robinson; Science GoH James Oberg; Attendance "HUGE" (estimates top 3000).

The program book was 8 ½ x 11 and contains 112 pages.

Cover by Kelly Freas. Profile of Anne McCaffrey by Elizabeth Scarborough. Profile of Kelly Freas by William R. Warren, Jr. Profile of Spider Robinson by John Varley. Gallery of art by Kelly Freas, William R. Warren Jr., George Barr, Jim Bearcloud, Alicia Austin, David Mattingly, Ken Kelly, Barclay Shaw, Alan Gutierrez, Voncent Di Fate, Michael Whelan, Tim Sale, Lela Dowling and more.

Norwescon Alternacon

Norwescon Altercon was held March 26–29, 1987; AGoH Dan Reeder; GoH: Orson Scott Card; FGoH Marty & Robbie Cantor; TM David Hartwell; attendance ~ 1700.

Norwescon 10

Norwescon 10 was held March 24–27, 1988; GoH: Marion Zimmer Bradley; AGoH Rick Sternbach; FGoH Jon Gustafson; TM David Gerrold; Special GoH Avram Davidson; attendance 2032.

Norwescon 11

Norwescon 11 was held March 23–26, 1989; GoH: Algis J. Budrys; AGoH David Mattingly; FGoH Mike Glyer; TM Steven Barnes; Science GoH Dr. Alan E. Nourse; Special GoH Avram Davidson; attendance 2292.

Norwescon 12

Norwescon 12 was held March 29-April 1, 1990; GoH: Roger Zelazny; AGoH David Cherry; FGoH Pat Mueller; TM Dan Reeder; Science GoH Dr. John G. Cramer; Volunteer GoH Joe Wheeler; attendance 2274.

The program book was 8 ½ x 11 and contains 92 pages. Covers by David A. Cherry. Profile of Roger Zelazny by Fred Saberhagen, David A. Cherry by Raymond E. Feist and more. Art gallery by David A. Cherry, Richard Hescox, Barclay Shaw, Dan Reeder, David Mattingly, Don Maitz, Alicia Austin, William R. Warren Jr., Ken Kelly, Michael Whelan, and others. "The Last Star Trek Parody" by Steven Bryan Bieler, and more.

Norwescon 14

Norwescon 14 was held March 28–31, 1991; GoH: Stanley Schmidt; AGoH James Warhola; FGoH Becky Thomson; TM Edward Bryant; Special GoH Forrest J. Ackerman; Volunteer GoH Joe Laybourn; attendance 2320.

Norwescon 15

Norwescon 15 was held March 26–29, 1992; GoH: Poul Anderson; AGoh Alan Gutierrez; FGoH Willie Siros; TM J. Steven York; Volunteer GoH Celia Smith; attendance ~2400.

Norwescon 16

Norwescon 16 was held March 25–28, 1993; GoH: Betty Ballantine (did not attend); AGoH Janny Wurts; FGoH Pat Mueller; TM Bonnie Baker; Science GoH Chris Jonientz-Trisler (Sunday only); Special GoH Anne McCaffrey (did not attend); surprise GoH Mike Jittlov; Volunteer GoH Teresa Janssen; attendance ~2430.

Norwescon 17

Norwescon 17 was held March 31-April 3, 1994; GoH: Kurtz & Scott MacMillan; AGoH Darrell K. Sweet; FGoH Peggy Rae Pavlat; TM Janna Silverstein; attendance ~2680.

Norwescon 18

Norwescon 18 was held April 6–9, 1995; GoH: Robert Silverberg; AGoH James Gurney; TM Dragon Dronet; Science GoH Dr. Jane Robinson; Volunteer GoH Danny Rudesill; attendance ~2675.

Norwescon 19

Norwescon 19 was held April 4–7, 1996; GoH: A.C. Crispin; AGoH Tom Kidd; FGoH Kitty Canterbury; TM Janna Silverstein; Volunteer GoH David Valentine; attendance ~2590.

Norwescon 20

Norwescon 20 was held March 27–30, 1997; GoH: Larry Niven, A. E. van Vogt; AGoH Vincent Di Fate; FGoH Brad Foster; Science GoH Dr. Robert L. Forward; Volunteer GoH Glenda Hedden; attendance is unknown.

Norwescon 21

Norwescon 21 was held April 9–12, 1998; GoH: Neil Gaiman; AGoH Brian Froud; FGoH John Lorentz, Ruth Sachter; Science GoH Patricia MacEwen; Volunteer GoH Anthony Ward; attendance is unknown.

Norwescon 22

Norwescon 22 was held April 1–4, 1999; GoH: Harry Turtledove; AGoH Richard Hescox; FGoH Jack Chalker, Eva Whitley; Science GoH Jack Horner; Volunteer GoH Susan Allen; Spotlighted Publisher: Ministry of Whimsy; attendance is unknown.

Norwescon 23

Norwescon 23 was held April 20–23, 2000; GoH: David Brin, Gregory Benford; AGoH Barclay Shaw; FGoH Bjo and John Trimble; Spotlighted Publisher HarperCollins and Eos represented by Jennifer Brehl; attendance 2765.

Norwescon 24

Norwescon 24 was held April 12–15, 2001; GoH: Connie Willis; AGoH Bob Eggleton; FGoH Charles N. Brown; Special GoH James P. Hogan; Special GoH Dragon Dronet; Spotlighted Publisher Bantam Dell Publishing Group represented by Anne Lesley Groell; attendance 3054.

Norwescon 25

Norwescon 25 was held March 28–31, 2002; GoH: Jack Vance; AGoH Brom; FGoH Andrew I. Porter; Spotlighted Publisher WOTC Publishing; attendance 2787.

Norwescon 26

Norwescon 26 was held April 17–20, 2003; GoH: Jane Yolen; AGoH Jim Burns; Science GoH Geoffrey Landis; Special GoH Michael Whelan; Spotlighted Publisher Del Rey Books; attendance 2718.

Norwescon 27

Norwescon 27 was held April 8–11, 2004; GoH Mike Resnick; AGoH Don Dixon; Special GoH Joe Haldeman; Science GoH Ben Bova; Spotlighted Publisher Baen Books represented by Jim Baen; attendance 2610.

Norwescon 28

Norwescon 28 was held March 24–27, 2005; GoH Michael Bishop; AGoH John Howe; Special GoH Alan Dean Foster; Science GoH Suzette Haden Elgin; Spotlighted Publisher TOR Books represented by Tom Doherty; attendance 2603.

Norwescon 29

Norwescon 29 was held April 13–16, 2006; GoH Lois McMaster Bujold; AGoH Donato Giancola; TM Robert J. Sawyer; Spotlighted Publisher DAW Books represented by Betsy Wollheim and Sheila Gilbert; attendance 2758.

Norwescon 30

Norwescon 30 was held April 5–8, 2007; GoH Kim Stanley Robinson; AGoH Luis Royo; Science GoH Donna Shirley; Spotlighted Publisher The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction represented by Gordon Van Gelder; attendance 3024.

Norwescon 31

Norwescon 31 was held March 20–24, 2008; GoH Dan Simmons; AGoH Ciruelo; Special GoH Naomi Novik; attendance 3030.

Norwescon 32

Norwescon 32 was held April 9–12, 2009; GoH R.A. Salvatore; AGoH Todd Lockwood; Special GoH Geno Salvatore; Spotlighted Publisher Wizards of the Coast; attendance 3115.

Norwescon 33

Norwescon 33 was held April 1–4, 2010; GoH Vernor Vinge; AGoH John Jude Palencar; Science Guest John G. Cramer; Special GoH Cory Doctorow; Spotlighted Publisher Tor Books; attendance 3349.

Norwescon 34

Norwescon 34 was held April 21–24, 2011; GoH Patricia McKillip; AGoH Kinuko Craft; PSIence Guest Marie D. Jones; Special Guest Jim Butcher; Special Guest Shannon Butcher; Spotlight Publisher PYR; attendance ~3500.

Norwescon 35

Norwescon 35 was held April 5–8, 2012; GoH Stephen Baxter; AGoH John Picacio; Science Guest Bridget Landry; Spotlight Publisher DAW Books; attendance ~3100.

Norwescon 36

Norwescon 36 was held March 28–31, 2013; Writer GoH Catherine Asaro; Artist GoH Lee Moyer; Science GoH Edward Tenner; Special GoH Gardner Dozois; Norwescon 36 Grandmaster Terry Brooks; Spotlight Publisher Baen Books; attendance ~3200.

Norwescon 37

Norwescon 37 was held April 17–20, 2014; Writer GoH Michael Moorcock; Artist GoH Robert Gould; Science GoH Catherine S. Plesko; Costuming GoH Anima! X; Special GoH Seanan McGuire; Spotlight Publisher: 47 North

Norwescon 38

Norwescon 38 was held April 2-5, 2015; Writer GoH George R. R. Martin; Artist GoH Julie Dillon; Science GoH Amy Mainzer; Spotlight Publisher: Random House


  1. ^ from the website in 2015
  2. ^ Seven, Richard (August 24, 2006). "Odd And Proud". Pacific Northwest Magazine (The Seattle Times)
  3. ^ by Nancy Hoven, printed in The Council Log #1