On a New Track

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Title: On a New Track
Author(s): taibhrigh
Date(s): 2011-06-14
Length: 31764 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Fast and the Furious
External Links: link to AO3
link to art post

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On a New Track is a Sentinel AU Dom/Brian story by taibhrigh, written for the Case Story Big Bang in 2011, with syfyfan making art for it.


Brian O'Connor, an undercover police officer with LAPD is sent in to investigate the mysterious and apparently crime-filled world of illegal street racing. His main target is a man named Dominic Toretto, the prime suspect in a series of truckjackings. But once in place in Dom's organization, Brian discovers Dom is more than he appears to be and Brian has to decide between turning Dom in or finding a way for both of them to get out alive.

Notes/Warnings: This is Siluria's fault. This story is a fusion with the tv series The Sentinel. Changes were made to incorporate concepts from the series (sentinel and guide). There are no characters from The Sentinel in this story.

Reactions and Reviews

Yay! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Dom as Sentinel and Brian as Guide was one of the coolest ideas ever. And I really liked the way you explained Brian's knowledge of "Guardians and Keepers." Having Brian and Dom work together to "clean house" with the racers was inspired, and a good way for Brian to keep his job. Very good story. Thanks for sharing. :-)[1]

This was absolutely amazing! And awesome re-telling of the movie and how I would have wanted it to end, with some Sentinel worked in there! Thanks so much for this! :)[2]

This is a fabulous cross over. I love the blending of the Sentinel universe with the Fast and The Furious! Yay for happy endings and Guardians and Keepers finding each other. This is lovely. I also loved Nora and Zack. Thank you so much for writing and posting this.[3]

I loved this story. The fusion between Sentinel and FF worked really well. I loved how Brian had heard of Guardian's and Keepers from his grandmother and he believed enough to be on the look out for his. I really liked how sweet Dom and Brian where with each other without being ooc.[4]

Totally unfamiliar with The Sentinel universe but this was a terrific story that only took me a few hours to read from start to finish. Loved how Dom and Brian turned things in their favor and beat all the bad guys.[5]

You are totally the reason why any other Fast and Furious/Sentinel crossovers are ruined for me forever. I was so excited when I rediscovered this tonight, because I knew there was a fabulous Sentinel!Dom/Guide!Brian fic floating around out there, but then I was worried it was just my imagination. So happy it wasn't! Thanks for posting this here and thanks for all the work that I'm sure went into a really fun, well-written read. <3[6]


  1. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 28, 2015
  2. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 28, 2015
  3. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 28, 2015
  4. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 28, 2015
  5. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 28, 2015
  6. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 28, 2015