Past, Present... and Always

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Past, Present... and Always
Author(s): Alexis Fegan Black
Date(s): 1985
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Past, Present... and Always is a Kirk/Spock story by Alexis Fegan Black.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #7.


"This story begins with a young Jim Kirk visiting a fortune teller at a traveling carnival in his home town. She makes several predictions… one of which a brash young man dismisses, perhaps because it does not coincide with his own images of a starship commander. But time wears on and Madame Cassandra's predictions begin to take on an uncanny reality… until the day that Kirk's first officer innocently suggests passing a day of shore leave at a circus with oddly familiar tents and creatures."

Reactions and Reviews

PAST, PRESENT...AND ALWAYS by Alexis Fegan Black begins with Jim Kirk as a child running into a fortuneteller at a circus and takes us through the adult Kirk running into the same fortuneteller years later, seeing her predictions become reality. This is a fun, mystical, intriguing tale of fate and self-fulfilled destiny in the author's usual style which invokes wonder and depicts tender intimacy at the same time. This is one of Alexis' best stories this side of "Dreams Of The Sleepers". The entire zine is worth the price for this one story. [1]

"Past, Present, and Always," by Alexis Fegan Black, is another favorite. This very unusual story begins with Kirk as a young boy at a circus. He and his friend go to a fortune teller, who tells Kirk of his future and the special soul-twin that he will meet. The story unfolds with mystery, sensitivity, and some real psychological truths. I really enjoyed this and read it twice. [2]


  1. ^ from Datazine #39
  2. ^ from Universal Translator #30