Purity Control (Forever Knight/Due South/X-Files crossover story)

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Title: Purity Control
Author(s): Jen Riddler
Date(s): 1990s
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): due South/Forever Knight/X-Files
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Purity Control is a crossover slash fic by Jen Riddler.

Reactions and Reviews

You were talking about a Forever Knight/Due South/X-Files crossover slash story. One has been done already and is still continuing off and on. It's called Purity Control or American Gothic (it has two titles) and if you don't have it I can send you a copy. Part one covers all three randoms pretty fairly with Due South having the edge. The second part though is primarily Due South with a bit of X-Files. At the moment it's only available on the net and I don't know if Jenny Riddle who has written it intends to ever publish it properly. It's very dark though, so be warned.[1]


  1. ^ from an an anonymous fan in Late for Breakfast #31 (1997)