Pyrrha Nikos

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Name: Pyrrha Nikos
Occupation: Huntress in training
Fandom: RWBY
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Pyrrha Nikos was a character in the RWBY series.


Pyrrha was a memeber of Team JNPR, with Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, and Jaune Arc. Jaune was her team partner.


An official Pyrrha plush that quickly became a meme called The Great One

Pyrrha is a popular character in the fandom, however her development outside of her relationship with Jaune is a source of contention for some.

Many fans reacted badly to Pyrrha's death in the Volume 3 finale, so much so that it caused some to drop the show soon after. The death was criticized being a seemingly classic fridging; where in Pyrrha was killed shortly after Arkos become explicitly canon in favour of giving Jaune a new tragic element to his story that could lead to personal growth later. At the time, some fans felt Pyrrha's death was not planned from the start and was added much later in development by its lead writes Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross, much like the Four Maidens storyline. However, it was proved to be something that series creator Monty Oum had always intended. This was a particular sore spot within the fandom given that Oum had passed before Volume 3 had began. Other fans were not as surprised by the death as it had been theorized that Pyrrha's name was a reference to a pyrrhic victory, a victory that costs so much that it is almost the same as a defeat.

Common Tropes and Fanon

  • alive!au: An AU in which Pyrrha never died, typically with Jaune being killed instead.
  • Canadian: Pyrrha's tendency to apologize and maple leaves being linked to her in canon has lead to some jokingly considering her to be Canadian.
  • Fix-it or Resurrection: There are many fanworks that avert Pyrrha's death and bring her back to life.
    • There are also fan theories that she could come back after being resurrected or reincarnated. The plausibility of these theories is debated. Penny Polendina is a character who apparently died before being brought back volumes later, but Penny is a robot. Fans who are very attached to the idea of Pyrrha coming back are sometimes criticized for being overly attached to the show's early volumes and being resistant to change and development in the story.
    • Grimm!Pyrrha: Some fanworks bring Pyrrha back as part-Grimm.


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