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K/S Fanfiction
Title: IRemembering
Author(s): Marie Surah
Date(s): 1992
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Remembering is a K/S story by Marie Surah.

It was published in the print zine As I Do Thee #18.


"Seeing the rare sight of an Eritykon brings back memories of Kirk's childhood, memories which start him thinking in strange and unexpected directions about his first officer."

Reactions and Reviews

A fun story where Kirk and Spock go on shore leave together, but only after Spock has noticed Kirk lusting after an Eritykon male. Eritykon are really just long- haired Vulcan rebels who admit to emotion and live elsewhere. While on leave Kirk ends up telling Spock about meeting an Eritykon starfleet cadet and his “friend” when he was still a young adolescent in Iowa, and witnessing the two young men in sexual activity. Which is why he’s always been fascinated by them.

This story is filled with vivid scenes that have stuck with me for years. The two of them on the roof of their rented college trying to fix the solar heater that’s gotten stuck on its tracks because of debris blown in by the ocean breezes; I can still recall their bare feet and how hot it felt to stand there. Then there’s another one where they share a bottle of wine one evening and Spock ends up sick and in the bathroom most of the night; turns out an ingredient was a diuretic for Vulcans. Not that I enjoy such scenes in all my stories, but this one is quite light- hearted and I thought poor Spock’s predicament was really funny. And, if I may say, very life-like, and everybody knows how I really, really like to see the fellows in familiar situations. And finally, the scene where Spock basically propositions his commanding officer, the night after the wine incident, and Kirk does not take him up on it right away, but sort of deflects it. Later in the conversation Spock gets up to encourage the flames in the fireplace with a poker, and Kirk realizes two things: that he’s just had an insight into Spock’s vigorous fucking style, and that Spock is more or less angry with him for not jumping at the opportunity to, er, jump in the sack with him.

Kirk has second thoughts (I always knew that man was smart, and the smartest person in the world, in my opinion, is the one who knows when he or she is wrong and can back-track) and of course the two of them end up under the covers together. Most satisfactory. One of this author’s best. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #82