Ruby Rose (RWBY)

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Name: Ruby Rose
Occupation: Huntress
Relationships: Summer Rose (mother)
Taiyang Xiao Long (father)
Yang Xiao Long (sister)
Weiss Schnee (partner)
Blake Belladonna (teammate)
Fandom: RWBY
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Ruby Rose is the main protagonist of the RWBY series as well as the leader of team RWBY itself.


Ruby Rose is a former student of Beacon Academy and leader of team RWBY. Ruby's weapon of choice is her High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe known as Crescent Rose and her Semblance is called "Speed", which enables her to run faster than the human eye can catch, and change directions in mid-air.

Ruby has silver eyes, which she discovers means she is one of a group of legendary silver-eyed warriors who posses special abilities to destroy Grimm.

Ruby on the cover of RWBY Zine


Ruby was the first character seen in the RWBY's debut "Red Trailer" which left a considerable impression and helped begin build interest in the series. Due to the trailer only showing Ruby fight Grimm and having no voiced lines, a common consensus developed was that Ruby was quiet and stoic. This was later debunked in Volume 1 where Ruby is energetic and somewhat socially awkward.

Some have criticized RWBY by arguing that Ruby, the protagonist of the series, has sparse characterization compared to others in the main cast, and makes poor choices that can be attributed to her character or to bad writing, which the show has been generally criticized for. She has been the subject of Hero Bashing. CRWBY acknowledged this issue and said they were attempting to rectify it in Volume 6.

Common Tropes and Fanon

  • Hair colour: While the series suggests Ruby's hair colour is natural, some fans depict her being black-haired but having dyed her hair with red tips.
  • Upbringing: Ruby and Yang are shown to live in a cottage on the Island of Patch with their father. Some fans have interpreted this to mean they grew up poor, however nothing in canon gives an indicators about their families actual financial status.
  • Aromantic and/or asexual: Thanks to Ruby never having a love interest within the series, she is sometimes depicted as aromantic and/or asexual. This interpretation is shared by Lindsay Jones, Ruby's voice actor.
  • Qrow's daughter: A popular fan theory is that Qrow Branwen, her uncle who she is not biologically related to, is actual Ruby's biological father, though the writers have denied this.
  • Blinded: Because of the plot importance of Ruby's silver eyes there is speculation that she will be lose one or both of them in the future.


Ruby's most popular ship is with her partner Weiss and the two have been shipped together since their characters trailers were first released in 2013. Between volumes 1 to 3 the other notable ships with Ruby included Ruby/Blake, Ruby/Penny and Ruby/Jaune. Later volumes have seen a rise in Ruby/Oscar.

Notable Fanworks



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