Say You're Sorry

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Title: Say You're Sorry
Creator(s): CITPrincess
Date(s): 19 September 2013
Length: unknown
Theme: n/a
Fandom: Total Drama
External Links: Advertisement for Duncney Playlist 2, Archived version on Tumblr
Say You're Sorry on grooveshark
Cover for Say You're Sorry

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Say You're Sorry is a Courtney/Duncan fanmix for the Total Drama fandom. It was made by BNF CITPrincess in celebration of Duncney Week, an annual fanweek for the pairing which she ran from 2012 to 2014. This was the second fanmix she made for the fanweek, with the first being You're Awful, I love you in 2012.

Hey guys! Didn't think I'd actually get around to it, but I actually did end up making a second playlist for you guys. Maybe there will be ~even more.~ Also try really hard not to be one of those petty people who refuse to listen to music because they have some sort of vendetta against so and so artist. It's all about the lyrics, here. I would pay special attention to "Sweet as Whole" because it is hilariously accurate. Though does have quite a bit of explicit content. So heads up.

Enjoy! And here's a link to the first playlist if you didn't catch it.

P.S- Although it usually does. With songs like "Mutiny Below" the gender of the artist does not necessarily reflect which character's perspective it's from.

caption of the fanmix's advertisement on Tumblr, by citprincess

The fanmix's track listing has since been lost after the closure of grooveshark, where it was hosted, in 2015.