September Song

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Title: September Song
Author(s): Kat Allison
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Highlander
External Links: online here

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September Song is a Highlander story by Kat Allison, focused on the pairing of Duncan/Methos.

It was podficced in 2010 by juniperphoenix.

Reactions and Reviews

The prose in this story is so exquisite, it just thrills the language slut in me. I am always a captive audience to a story where the placement and use of words just sings to me. There are lovely metaphors, themes and dialogue in this story - Methos and Duncan, and a conversation at the end of the millennium. It's just a beautiful piece of writing. Highly recommended.[1]

This is Methos and Duncan. This is one of the times the characterizations in fic take over the official versions.[2]

check out September Song. I'm afraid I've categorized it in my head as the official Y2K story of HL fandom, but don't read it for that, but because of language like this: "He could see the war in Duncan's face -- the lure of grief, and the resolve to set grieving aside."[3]

My only regret about this story is that I didn't read it back in 1999, when the world was full of that poised-on-the-edge pre-millennial feeling. But I remember that feeling clearly, and Kat captures it perfectly in the fever-brightness of a late summer evening and the dizzying depths of our favorite Old Man's mind. The result is terrifying, hopeful, thought-provoking, and exquisitely lovely.[4]

This is one of my favourite Kat Allison Highlander stories - it's happier than most, to my mind, and the Methos is closer to the one I see when I watch the series. The writing is a joy to read.[5]
