Something More (Hawaii Five-0 story)

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Title: Something More
Author(s): Finduilas
Date(s): 28 August 2011 - 26 October 2011
Length: 16,263 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Something More (AO3)

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Something More is a Steve/Danny story by Finduilas. It is listed at "Taka's McDanno Rec List" under "Angst".[1]

Summary: When Danny wakes up in Steve’s bed, he doesn’t have to turn around to know that Steve isn’t there anymore.

Recs and Reviews

I love that you portray steves emotional hang ups in this. I could really see them dealing with those issues and not just live in a world of happy relationship sunshine and rainbows. Great take on them![2]

Hey there! I want to start by saying that you are an amazing writer. Your story is well balanced and you made it feel real. You got just right a large range of emotions. There wasn't a thing that felt forced or fake. You captured really well Danny and Steve's relationship and their feelings. I hope this is because of your brilliant writing skills and not because you went thought something like that. I could relate to it and I think that all the people who got their hearts broken this way could relate to it as well, because (and I shall repeat myself) the way you wrote it made it feel real.[3]

Emotionally constipated Steve is one of my favorite Steves, especially in fic land. I also thought that you potrayed damn well the problems they might have if romantically involved (cause Steve and expressing feelings...). I enjoyed this a lot-lot. :)[4]

ugh, so good. i love this story. it fits perfectly well with our canon guys i think because, of course, danny is talkative and sensitive and scared a lot but he knows what he wants and what he expects and clearly steve has intimacy and commitment issues a mile wide. i should probably reign in my glee at reading the delicious angst this causes, but you just wrote it so beautifully! :) kono and were the absolute best and i'm glad that danny had a normal-functioning human to talk with. once pushed to the brink, steve definitely took some nice steps in saving this relationship but also in taking care of himself and making himself happy and that's pretty cool.[5]


  1. ^ soulkiss1520. Taka's McDanno Rec List, updated: 03/06/2015. (Accessed 05 June 2016)
  2. ^ Fierce_little_Red. Comment, 04 May 2016. (Accessed 05 June 2016)
  3. ^ CrazyCantaloupe . Comment, 14 July 2014. (Accessed 05 June 2016)
  4. ^ curttu. Comment, 03 August 2015. (Accessed 05 June 2016)
  5. ^ floatondown. Comment, 11 November 2015. (Accessed 05 June 2016)